Invitation: AEN & PAN Children Roadshow


The Africa Evidence Network and PAN Children are hosting a Cape Town roadshow to further build networks around evidence-informed decision making. We are inviting policy-makers, parliamentary officials, civil society organisations and researchers to explore how we can work together to make better decisions for South Africa - and to provide ...

Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI): Re-imagining local government

What are the major challenges facing municipalities today?


In South Africa today multiple contradictions (economic, social and political) are increasingly playing themselves out at the local government level.

What are the implications for municipalities and how are they responding to these challenges?

Ahead of the upcoming local government elections, the ...

IJR Seminars: Snapshots of South Africa's democracy at 21

In line with South Africa's State of the Nation Address and the Budget Speech, IJR will be hosting a series of dialogues and seminars on various current affairs topics ranging from racism to economic transformation. There will be seven events over a four week period. Attend one, or attend all, ...

Corruption Watch: Stakeholder Dialogues

Corruption Watch will be hosting stakeholder dialogues in Cape Town and Johannesburg respectively. The dialogues are aimed at introducing the Public Protector Campaign, which will be implemented in 2016.

This campaign is developed as the term of the current Public Protector is coming to end later in the year. Corruption ...

2015 SA Reconciliation Barometer Survey Briefing


Selected findings on reconciliation and nation building

Date: 8 December 2015

Time: 9.30 for 10.00

Venue: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation

Address: 105, Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town

“A majority of South Africans believe race relations have stayed the same or deteriorated since 1994.” - 2015 ...

Right to Know (R2K) - Media Transformation Summit 2015


Right2Know will be hosting Media Transformation Summits in:

  • Cape Town: Saturday 21 November, 10h00 – 15h00, Society for the Blind, Salt River Rd, Salt River
  • Durban: Saturday 28 November, 10h00 – 15h00, Venue TBC
  • Johannesburg: Saturday 5 December, 10h00 – 15h00, Venue TBC

As inequality deepens and social cohesion falters ...

#TextbooksMatter campaign launched

section On 24 November, SECTION 27 will represent Basic Education for All (BEFA), a community based organisation whose members include learners, parents and educators in Limpopo, as it faces the Department of Basic Education over the provision of textbooks for children in Limpopo at the Bloemfontein Supreme Court of Appeal.

The ...

Inside SA’s cyber-insecurity problem

By Jane Duncan

A new Bill threatens our digital rights and raises the spectre of internet censorship.

South Africa has one of the highest rates of cybercrime in the world. So it is hardly surprising that more people are looking to the government to step in and do something about ...

Call to action: Hands off our grants (HOOG)


Nuclear Energy Procurement: What have we learnt from the arms deal?

ISS goedgedacht

The Institute for Security Studies and the Goedgedacht Forum would like you to join us for the discussion:

Nuclear Energy Procurement: What have we learnt from the arms deal?

The nuclear energy deal is getting a lot of attention at the moment. Questions are being raised as to the choices ...

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