Corruption Watch: Stakeholder Dialogues

Corruption Watch will be hosting stakeholder dialogues in Cape Town and Johannesburg respectively. The dialogues are aimed at introducing the Public Protector Campaign, which will be implemented in 2016.

This campaign is developed as the term of the current Public Protector is coming to end later in the year. Corruption ...

OPINION: In the interests of full disclosure

By Judith February.

It feels a little like the pot calling the kettle black.

This past week the African National Congress (ANC) was very eager to point out that certain Democratic Alliance (DA) MPs, including leader Mmusi Maimane, had failed to fully declare their interests in Parliament’s register of financial ...

Corruption and political party funding

By Matthew Kruger

Corruption and political party funding: Debating the means to a desirable end

Political questions rarely have easy answers. Even when we agree that a particular goal is desirable - end corruption, for example - we often disagree over the appropriate means to that end. Here I consider ...

Op-Ed: 'Application dismissed' - a reflection on My Vote Counts v The Speaker of Parliament, and losing


In light of Wednesday’s Constitutional Court judgment, it seems that everyone wants to 'win', everyone wants to be part of that moment when a victory is secured – no one more than My Vote Counts in a game in which we heavily invested. It’s so tempting to ...

Anti-Corruption March

anti corruption

The Unite Against Corruption initiative that is holding a series of marches against corruption on 30 September 2015, in a visible demonstration that people living in this country have had enough of corruption and the impunity enjoyed by those wielding power in both public and private sectors.

In what can ...

Op-Ed: Activism is alive and well and living in SA

By Julian Brown

We do not have a crisis of activism or political commitment in South Africa. Instead, we have a vibrant, challenging, and contentious political sphere defined by grassroots activism.

If we’re to believe recent reports in the Daily Maverick, South Africa’s activists are in trouble: Zwelinzimi Vavi believes ...

Parliamentary oversight: Few consequences

By Troye Lund

PUBLIC protector Thuli Madonsela’s revelations of widespread corruption, nepotism and maladministration at the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) did not come as a surprise to members of parliament who are charged with overseeing the state entity.

In 2013 the auditor-general (AG) was warning MPs on parliamentary ...

Unite Against Corruption: Stand against corruption; defend the Office of the Public Protector


Supporters of "Unite against Corruption" are asking the public to join them, 7 August 2015, to take a stand against government corruption and to protect the Office of the Public Protector:

You can participate by:

  • Picketing outside Parliament in Cape Town at 12pm to 3pm.
  • Forming a human chain outside ...

LiveMagSA: Will we ever get free education?

By Sheilan Clarke

Imagine a world where you don’t have to pay for school, fork out a fortune to get an education or stand in long queues at NSFAS for a bursary. Well that might be a possibility as government is reportedly aiming to roll out free education for tertiary ...

The Week Ahead: Presidency’s budget vote takes centre stage

MPs will be relieved that the grueling budget vote schedule is nearing the end. This process began in February with the training of MPs on the processing of the budget votes and was followed by committees meeting with various departments and entities on their strategic plans, annual performance plans and ...

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