A silent march against government secrecy


With the lead up to elections, representatives of the Right2Know (R2K) social movement campaign marched through the streets of Cape Town on Friday, May 2, in silent protest for freedom and the public’s right to know about various political issues such as political party funding, and the secrecy and corruption ...

Party funding, the illness at the heart of our society

1 APR 2014

Secret funding of political parties poses a serious threat to a strong, independent and democratic society as it enables a tiny minority of influential people and corporations to exercise an electoral influence stronger than a single vote. Secrecy breeds corruption, and it’s making our democracy ...

Should donations to political parties be regulated?

On Thursday, the Institute of Security Studies hosted a seminar about political party funding. Its invitation explains there is currently “no regulation of private funding to political parties... companies or wealthy individuals are able to donate money to political parties without any form of disclosure. This creates an environment of ...

Interventions since 2009: NCOP releases list

Since July 2009, the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) has reviewed and in some cases, either approved or rejected, interventions in six district municipalities, 30 local municipalities, and six provincial departments (one in the Eastern Cape and five in Limpopo), according to Parliament. Most of the interventions were as ...

Older persons let down by government

The Portfolio Committee on Social Development held a meeting on Tuesday, 11 March, to respond to a petition submitted to Parliament last year by “Concerned Pensioners” on behalf of over 2 800 pensioners. The petition focused on the disappointment pensioners felt with both national and local government, who had failed ...

Secondment – Minister speaks about its constitutionality

Minister of Public Service and Administration, Lindiwe Sisulu, and her legal adviser, Advocate Menzi Simelane, presented aspects of the constitutionality of the Public Administration Management (PAM) Bill yesterday to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration.

The issues that were raised in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) ...

SONA Debate, Day 2: ANC hits back, House gets rowdy

Punctuated by heckling, insult trading and truckloads of rhetoric, Tuesday 19 February saw the second day of the two-day State of the Nation (SONA) debates descend into a rather raucous state of affairs. Amid the now hackneyed use of the “good news” refrain, laundry lists of national government policy successes ...

SONA Debate, Day 1: Opposition MPs open Nkandla(flood)gate

The first day of the two-day State of the Nation Address (SONA) debate saw opposition MPs pour scorn on Nkandlagate. Addressing the National Assembly on Tuesday 18 February, Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Lindiwe Mazibuko, said "I want to use this opportunity to send a very clear ...

State of the Province Address – All you need to know

Following the President’s State of the Nation Address, the Premiers from all 9 provinces will deliver their State of the Province Addresses over the next two weeks.

The State of the Province Address is a localised version of the State of the Nation Address where Premiers reflect on and ...

SONA: Zuma on Chapter 9 institutions, anti-corruption and violent service delivery protests


Early on in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) last night, President Jacob Zuma made mention of the institutions that check and balance our democracy:

“We have Chapter 9 institutions which support democracy and protect the rights of citizens. The liberations have also created space for an active civil ...

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