Everything You Need To Know About Municipal Budgets

What are Municipal Budgets?

Budgets are financial plans for the upcoming year that show the forecasted expenditure and income for the municipality. The budgets determine how public resources from the National Revenue Fund will be utilised to perform service delivery obligations and provide for the municipality’s needs.

The municipal budget ...

#LGE2021: Lessons Learnt from a Councillor


Municipal ward councillors play a vital role in ensuring that residents receive the municipal services entitled to them. In this blog, we interview an out-going Ward Councillor, David Potter from the Democratic Alliance, who shares his lessons learnt throughout his term.

Which municipal ward do you represent?

I represent Ward ...

2021 Local Government Election Candidate tells us why it's important to vote: Nomonde Ndlovu


In this blog series, we profile a number of Candidate Coucillors, who tell us why it is important to vote in the 2021 Local Government Election.

See another blog from Candidate Councillor - Kaamil Alli and Shakira Choonara.

2021 Local Government Election Candidate tells us why it's important to vote: Shakira Choonara

shalira choonara

In this blog series, we profile a number of Candidate Coucillors, who tell us why it is important to vote in the 2021 Local Government Election.

See another blog from Candidate Councillor - Kaamil Alli here.

2021 Local Government Election Candidate tells us why it's important to vote: Kaamil Alli



In this blog series, we profile a number of Candidate Coucillors who tell us why it is important to vote in the 2021 Local Government Election.

See another blog from Candidate Councillor - Shakira Choonara here.

Ms Sheilla Tembalam Xego (ANC)


What is your political background?

My interest in politics started way back in 1976 and 1977 when I was young and still attending teaching college. I started teaching in 1980 and then joined a teacher union. As a unionist I became actively involved in politics. From 2000 to 2006 I ...

The Week Ahead: Legislation, Oversight Visits & Question Time dominate final week

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament on 11 October 2016. But a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go.

With nothing scheduled in the NA chamber, the committee corridor will be the main ...

Infographic: Female councillors in the metros

Code4SA has published a detailed blog that looks at PR and ward lists across parties and the wards won by women across the country.

In the 8 metros, results show the following interesting items:

  • All 252 women that won wards in the 8 metros represent either the ANC (61%) or ...

Mr Cameron Mackenzie (DA)


What is your political background? What drew you to your specific party? Politics has always been part of my life for as long as I can remember: from choosing a part in a school play, being elected as the grade representative on the Students Representative Council (SRC) in high school ...

Infographic: What will we vote for?

South Africans will be going to the polls on 3 August 2016 for the fourth local government elections since democracy. The Dullah Omar Institute recently published a manual, Electing Councillors: A Guide to Municipal Elections that, according to the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, "provides us with further ...

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