Infographic: Rules to stop disruptions during Parliament proceedings

On 23 June 2015, Parliament's National Assembly Rules Committee met to discuss the frequent disruptions of the House sittings. A lengthy discussion was held and members of the committee considered draft rules and standard operating procedures presented by the Subcommittee on the Review of the NA Rules. With the exception ...

Infographic: The Fifth Parliament 2015 - Second Term Review

With the second term of Parliament done and dusted, the People’s Assembly takes a look at some of the Legislature’s activities from this period. The review provides a snapshot of the number of working days, bills processed, and questions asked.

Parliament, Second term review

Infographic: EPWP contribution to work opportunities 2014/15

On Tuesday, 23 June 2015, the Department of Public Works briefed the Portfolio Committee on Public Works on progress of the roll out of Phase 3 of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). According to the Department, the work opportunity targets for 2014/15 were exceeded; however, closer inspection of the ...

Infographic: The decline in SA Tourism 2015

This week, Statistics South Africa briefed the Portfolio Committee on Tourism on the latest tourism stats. The meeting was held after the release of Stats SA’s report on Migration and Tourism, which has caused general concern that the number of tourists visiting the country declined by 7.2% from February 2014 ...

Infographic: State of Youth Unemployment in South Africa

On Tuesday, 9 June 2015, the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) briefed the Economic and Business Development Select Committee on the policy objectives to create work, particularly for young people. Although millions of Rands are being spent on youth development, particularly youth employment, the proportion of young people not employed ...

Infographic: SA - Education Infrastructure Spending

On Tuesday, 2 June 2015, the National Treasury and Department of Basic Education briefed a joint meeting of the Standing Committee on Appropriations and the Basic Education Portfolio Committee about education infrastructure spending as well as spending on the Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG). Three provinces had under-spent on their infrastructure ...

Infographic: Immigration regulations 2014 - How it affects SA

On Tuesday, 26 May 2015, the Department of Home Affairs briefed the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee on the new Immigration Regulations that are set to kick in on 1 June 2015. The new regulations are in line with the Children’s Act (2005) and aims to curb child trafficking. According to ...

Infographic: South Africa – Migration and the effect on urbanisation

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015, the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS) briefed the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee on migration trends and their implications. According to ACMS, most migration is domestic – province to province – while roughly 4.4% of the South African population were born outside of the ...

Infographic: Recent xenophobic attacks - The stats

With the recent spate of violent xenophobic attacks, a National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) was activated to address and control the situation. On Tuesday, 28 April 2015, NATJOINTS briefed the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee on recent developments regarding attacks against foreign nationals, the root causes behind the violence, ...

Infographic: The Smart ID roll out process

Last week the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs received a briefing on progress made with the smart ID card roll out. The Department of Home Affairs teamed up with the banking sector to implement the roll out of the new Smart ID cards. The process will see customers from FNB ...

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