The Week Ahead: Parliament focuses on illegal mining activities and the state of public infrastructure

The vandalism of public infrastructure remains a burning issue. Just last week, the National Assembly debated the topic and this week the NCOP has arranged a ministerial briefing session to discuss: the scale and impact of the destruction of public property and community facilities: measures to protect public infrastructure and ...

Asset Maintenance Management Plans

What Are Asset Maintenance Management Plans?

To combat poor levels of service delivery, maintenance plans were developed to ensure that infrastructure remained efficient and usable. Asset maintenance management plans - also known as immovable asset management plans or infrastructure maintenance plans - are strategic outlines for the repair and maintenance ...

Infographic: School readiness report - 2017

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) presented their school readiness monitoring report for 2017 on 29 November 2016 to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education. The report focused on admissions and registration challenges, teacher provisioning, learning and teaching resources and basic infrastructure. Admissions challenges are most notable in so-called “hotspots” ...

Mr Mncedisi Filtane (UDM)


What is your political background? I was actively involved in the formation of the Youth League in Umtata in the 1970s. I was approached by the security branch while at university and asked to become a spy, which I turned down. This request led to my resignation from politics ...

The Week Ahead: Budget debates and 'Taking Parliament to the People' dominate

For the past two weeks committees have been meeting with departments and entities to pore over their strategic and annual performance plans, budgets and performance targets and prepare reports for consideration by the House.

The focus now shifts to the budget vote debates that commence tomorrow and run until 12 ...

Infographic: Performance of the Expanded Public Works Programme

The Department of Public Works briefed the Portfolio Committee on Public Works on the performance of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) on 12 April 2016. EPWP is a government initiative that aims to create work opportunities in four sectors, namely, Infrastructure; Non-State; Environment and Culture; and Social. It is ...

The Week Ahead: All about #budget2016 and some legislating

Finance Minister Pravin Gordan's budget speech on Wednesday will dominate the headlines this week. The Minister has a tough job to do as he seeks to address significant social challenges and reassure investors about the country’s growth prospects.

During the 2015 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speech, the former ...

The week ahead: A fiery week looms

It’s taken a few weeks but Parliament is finally firing on all cylinders with plenty of action scheduled in the National Assembly Chamber and the committee corridor.

The main events will be the debate on the State of the Nation Address on Tuesday and Wednesday as well as the President’s ...

Infographic: Electronic Monitoring

On 18 November 2015 the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) in their presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services explained that the electronic monitoring system (EMS)was a way of tracking and recording an offender’s location and movements with a device, usually attached to the ankle, linked to ...

Infographic: Drought Management

The Department of Water and Sanitation briefed the portfolio committee on the drought management in the country on Wednesday, 11 November 2015. This was followed up by a media briefing by the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) responsible for the drought led by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Pravin ...

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