Inside SA’s cyber-insecurity problem

By Jane Duncan

A new Bill threatens our digital rights and raises the spectre of internet censorship.

South Africa has one of the highest rates of cybercrime in the world. So it is hardly surprising that more people are looking to the government to step in and do something about ...

The Week Ahead: Most of the parliamentary action is in the committee corridor

There's a humdrum flavour to this week's parliamentary business in the National Assembly chamber - with MPs finishing off legislation, processing assorted statutory instruments and reports, making statements and discussing matters of public importance.

The major highlight will be the question session involving the Deputy President and Ministers in the ...

LiveMagSA: Will we ever get free education?

By Sheilan Clarke

Imagine a world where you don’t have to pay for school, fork out a fortune to get an education or stand in long queues at NSFAS for a bursary. Well that might be a possibility as government is reportedly aiming to roll out free education for tertiary ...

Infographic: SA - Education Infrastructure Spending

On Tuesday, 2 June 2015, the National Treasury and Department of Basic Education briefed a joint meeting of the Standing Committee on Appropriations and the Basic Education Portfolio Committee about education infrastructure spending as well as spending on the Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG). Three provinces had under-spent on their infrastructure ...

The week ahead: The legislature's budget vote, Nkandla, committee meetings and more

Parliament has scheduled a broad and busy programme in the main chambers as well as in the committee corridor this week.

The Legislature's budget vote is the main plenary event. During their speeches last year, the presiding officers (read here and here) focused largely on the legacy of the ...

The Week Ahead: Curtailed Programme

Just like the rest of the country, Parliament vibrates with concern about the recent spate of xenophopic attacks . As part of countrywide efforts to counter these incidents, the legislature has suspended its plenary sittings for this week to allow MPs to go to their constituencies and mobilise their communities ...

Ms Duduzile Promise Manana - ANC


Political background: I am from Driekoppies Malelane district in Mpumalanga. I joined the ANC formally in 1994 whereas; I had been involved since the age of 12 years before then.

I then served in the ANCYL as an additional member in the executive structure of the Malelane branch in the ...

Infographic: Build programmes boost growth and job creation

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015, the Public Enterprises Department told Members of Parliament that the country’s investment into infrastructure is being scaled up to create opportunities for job creation and economic growth. Currently, investment is lower than it should be and economic activity is slow due to lack of infrastructure ...

LiveMagSA: How the budget speech tackles youth issues

By Rofhiwa Maneta

On Tuesday, the Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene delivered his maiden budget speech to the National Assembly. It was a speech that announced the first income tax increase in 20 years, an increase in sin tax and an increased fuel levy that is set to trigger an ...

Infographic: The 2015 budget simplified

Today, the Minister of Finance, Mr Nhlanhla Nene gave his first budget speech in Parliament. As predicted by People's Assembly, the speech touched on pressing matters such as the energy crisis and proposed tax changes.

The Minister told citizens that the country's projected economic growth for 2015 was expected ...

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