The Week Ahead: Curtailed Programme

Just like the rest of the country, Parliament vibrates with concern about the recent spate of xenophopic attacks . As part of countrywide efforts to counter these incidents, the legislature has suspended its plenary sittings for this week to allow MPs to go to their constituencies and mobilise their communities to combat xenophobia. The work programme in the committee corridor has also been curtailed as only those with urgent business (mainly committees still processing budget votes) will be sitting.

Even with two public holidays to further compress the parliamentary week, there is a fair bit of action scheduled into the available three days (Parliament is sitting Tuesday to Thursday). Here is a run down of the highlights:

The most significant event will be the appearance of the Ministers of Home Affairs and Small Business Development before the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs on Tuesday to discuss the ongoing violence against foreign nationals and how to address the tensions between local and foreign business owners.

MPs will hear from the Special Investigating Unit on its 2015/16 Budget and Strategic Plan. Opposition parties have previously raised concerns about the organisation's independence and leadership. The entity has had three different leaders since late November in 2011.

National Treasury will inform MPs about the establishment of the New Development Bank (BRICS Bank). It is a multilateral development bank operated by the BRICS States (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) as an alternative to the existing World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The bank is set up to foster greater financial and development cooperation among the five emerging markets. The bank's primary focus of lending will be infrastructure projects.

On Wednesday, the Portfolio Committee on Police will get a briefing by the Civilian Secretariat for Police on the White Paper on Police. There will be an additional briefing by the National and Provincial Community Police Boards on their establishment, mandate and activities.

The Public Protector has had some testy interactions with the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services in the past. While her appearance is routine - consideration of her Office's budget – it's always interesting to see if there are any undercurrents or if any important statements emerge out of the interaction.

But beyond the usual round of meetings, there is some detailed legislating as MPs consider the Performing Animals Protection Amendment Bill, Plant Improvement Bill and Plant Breeders’ Rights Bill. Committees are also expected to finalise the Division of Revenue Bill, Banks Amendment Bill and Financial and Fiscal Commission Amendment Bill.

Click here for the full list of meetings.


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