Mr William Madisha (COPE)


What is your political background? I grew up in Atteridgeville. I went to the Transvaal College of Education in 1981 and I was in the leadership of the student movement. I became the president of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) for a period of twelve years. I was ...

Infographic: Performance of the Expanded Public Works Programme

The Department of Public Works briefed the Portfolio Committee on Public Works on the performance of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) on 12 April 2016. EPWP is a government initiative that aims to create work opportunities in four sectors, namely, Infrastructure; Non-State; Environment and Culture; and Social. It is ...

Rev Kenneth Meshoe


What is your political background? In December 1993, my wife Lydia and I started a political party based on biblical principles called the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP). I became its first President and I have been serving as a Member of Parliament since 1994.

How did you become involved ...

Parliament discusses teenage pregnancy and education

By Rofhiwa Maneta

This week marked the midpoint of parliament’s third term. On Wednesday, parliament was host to a number of sittings directly related to young people. The NYDA presented its performance for the first quarter of the financial year to the Portfolio Committee of Monitoring and Evaluation. Similarly, ministers ...

Live Magazine SA: VIP Debate Club Cape Town - Party People Edition


After hosting a successful festival in Cape Town and Joburg, Live Mag SA looked at some of the points that surfaced in the numerous discussions and realised that one topic stood out – Youth Unemployment.

As part of their ongoing debate series, they are inviting Members of Parliament (MPs), ...

Infographic: EPWP contribution to work opportunities 2014/15

On Tuesday, 23 June 2015, the Department of Public Works briefed the Portfolio Committee on Public Works on progress of the roll out of Phase 3 of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). According to the Department, the work opportunity targets for 2014/15 were exceeded; however, closer inspection of the ...

Infographic: The decline in SA Tourism 2015

This week, Statistics South Africa briefed the Portfolio Committee on Tourism on the latest tourism stats. The meeting was held after the release of Stats SA’s report on Migration and Tourism, which has caused general concern that the number of tourists visiting the country declined by 7.2% from February 2014 ...

Ruling in censorship case worth appealing

The Cape High Court ruling against the media in the so-called parliamentary censorship and signal jamming case serves to emphasise the importance the constitution places on the integrity of our democratic institutions.

The court, sitting as a full bench, ruled two to one that Parliament "has a right to protect ...

The week ahead: The legislature's budget vote, Nkandla, committee meetings and more

Parliament has scheduled a broad and busy programme in the main chambers as well as in the committee corridor this week.

The Legislature's budget vote is the main plenary event. During their speeches last year, the presiding officers (read here and here) focused largely on the legacy of the ...

LiveMagSA: How the budget speech tackles youth issues

By Rofhiwa Maneta

On Tuesday, the Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene delivered his maiden budget speech to the National Assembly. It was a speech that announced the first income tax increase in 20 years, an increase in sin tax and an increased fuel levy that is set to trigger an ...

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