Infographic: SA's hardest working MPs

In a recently published article for Africa Check, Laura Grant highlighted the “hardest working MPs” by looking at what MPs earn and their committee attendance. MPs’ work is divided into parliamentary sessions and constituency periods and the Composite Parliamentary Programme 2015 shows that committee meeting days comprised 60% of the ...

Mr Mncedisi Filtane (UDM)


What is your political background? I was actively involved in the formation of the Youth League in Umtata in the 1970s. I was approached by the security branch while at university and asked to become a spy, which I turned down. This request led to my resignation from politics ...

The Week Ahead: Quiet Week Ahead

There's a distinct lull in Parliament this week, as the legislature makes the most of the mid-week public holiday. Most committees have postponed their activities and only one day has been set aside for parliamentary business.

It’s the second of week of budget debates and 3 Ministers - Public Enterprises, ...

SONA: Go for the Big Five, President Zuma, you have nothing to lose

By Judith February.

The President should focus on the multi-dimensional nature of South Africa’s crisis: from the economy, to racial polarisation, securitisation of the state, dysfunction and maladministration at local government, the problems are easily identifiable. The SONA should be easy to write. Go for the Big Five, and you’re ...

Everything you need to know about SONA 2016

When and what time is the 2016 State of the Nation Address?

President Zuma’s ninth State of the Address will be delivered on Thursday, February 11 at 19:00. In a break from tradition in February 2010, he delivered the SONA for the first time in the evening to give more ...

Infographic: Working and living conditions of farm workers

The 2011 Human Rights Watch report alleged wide spread abuse of workers on Western Cape farms and in November 2012 the De Doorns strike broke out. Mr Stone Sizani, then Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Affairs, suggested that a comprehensive study be conducted to find ...

The Week Ahead: Presidency’s budget vote takes centre stage

MPs will be relieved that the grueling budget vote schedule is nearing the end. This process began in February with the training of MPs on the processing of the budget votes and was followed by committees meeting with various departments and entities on their strategic plans, annual performance plans and ...

Courts remedy for badly written laws

It is common cause that Parliament has become increasingly dysfunctional in recent years, but the media focus has tended to be on high-profile events such as the disruptive activities of the Economic Freedom Fighters, censorship of media coverage, railroading by the African National Congress (ANC) and walkouts by the Democratic ...

Legislation to come before Parliament in 2015

On 15 February 2015, the Presidency released a press statement detailing legislation that will come before Parliament this year. President Zuma made reference very briefly to certain pieces of legislation during the 2015 State of the Nation Address. See list of legislation below:

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

To further ...

The Week Ahead: Committee meetings get underway ahead of SONA

The pre-State of the Nation Address (SONA) period is usually a low-key time in Parliament – quiet and uncontroversial.

There was shift in this trend this year as MPs met in the past two weeks to finalise proposals on how to tighten Parliament's rules. A dress code for parliamentarians, their ...

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