Infographic: SA's hardest working MPs

In a recently published article for Africa Check, Laura Grant highlighted the “hardest working MPs” by looking at what MPs earn and their committee attendance. MPs’ work is divided into parliamentary sessions and constituency periods and the Composite Parliamentary Programme 2015 shows that committee meeting days comprised 60% of the working year.

The article showed the following:

  • The UDM’s Mncedisi Filtane attended the most committee meetings last year – a total of 70. He is a member of the portfolio committees on public works, agriculture, rural development and land reform and sports and recreation.

  • Second on the list is Nic Koornhof (ANC) ‚ who attended 68 meetings for 2015. He serves on the portfolio committees on trade and industry and science and technology

  • Five out of the 10 MPs that attended the most meetings in 2015, serve on the trade and industry committee

The Parliamentary Monitoring Group has looked at which committees were the busiest in 2015 and found the top three to be the portfolio committees on trade in industry (67), finance (64) and appropriations (49). Justice used to be the top performer averaging 72 meetings a year but it took a tumble in 2015 and achieved only 47 meetings.

See infographic below for more on MP attendance and parliamentary committees:



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