The Week Ahead: Debates, Oral Questions & Important Hearings.

Last week, Parliament was the scene of mass protests as thousands took to the streets to protest against gender-based violence and the killing of young women and children. The catalyst for the protests was the rape and murder of 19-year-old UCT student Uyinene Mrwetyana.

In 2008, a series of violent ...

The Week Ahead: End of the First Term

A lot was packed into the first term of the Sixth Parliament 22July2019

New Members were registered, sworn-in and received training. In addition, the legislature elected new leadership, had a second State of the Nation Address, set up structures, and assigned Members to Committees.

A big chunk of the time was ...

Mr Vusiwana Mtileni (EFF)


What is your political background? How did you become involved in politics and particularly, what drew you to your specific party? I started my political activism in 1993 whilst following Mr Bantu Holomisa as a journalist, because he was proposing an alternative to the ANC after his expulsion from the ...

Ms Tasneem Motara (ANC)


What is your political background? I joined the African National Congress (ANC) about 16 years ago. I grew up in a very politically active home: some of my family members were in exile, and some of them are still active in politics. I joined the ANC Youth League in 2000 ...

Infographic: SA's hardest working MPs

In a recently published article for Africa Check, Laura Grant highlighted the “hardest working MPs” by looking at what MPs earn and their committee attendance. MPs’ work is divided into parliamentary sessions and constituency periods and the Composite Parliamentary Programme 2015 shows that committee meeting days comprised 60% of the ...

The Week Ahead: Farewells, loose ends & tussles...

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament after the elections on 16 August 2016. But a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go.

There's both high policy and low politics on display in the ...

Parliament and the Budget

Each year Parliament authorises taxes and public expenditure which provides the Government with the money it needs to deliver its policies and run vital services in areas such as Health, Education and Defence. The Budget allocates money between the three spheres of government (national, provincial, local) based on revenue collected. ...

The Week Ahead: All about #budget2016 and some legislating

Finance Minister Pravin Gordan's budget speech on Wednesday will dominate the headlines this week. The Minister has a tough job to do as he seeks to address significant social challenges and reassure investors about the country’s growth prospects.

During the 2015 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speech, the former ...

Five female MPs on their passion for politics

By Sheilan Clarke

Statistics show that 35.2% of South African cabinet ministers are women while 41.5% are parliamentarians. This means that of the 54 cabinet ministers, only 19 of them are women and out of a total of 400 parliamentarians, 166 are women. This is according to a United Nations ...

Infographic: SA - Education Infrastructure Spending

On Tuesday, 2 June 2015, the National Treasury and Department of Basic Education briefed a joint meeting of the Standing Committee on Appropriations and the Basic Education Portfolio Committee about education infrastructure spending as well as spending on the Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG). Three provinces had under-spent on their infrastructure ...

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