OPINION: The election machinery picks up steam

By Judith February

Disclaimer: a full stadium does not necessarily translate into votes. This past weekend the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) put on what can only be described as a very impressive show. First to launch its manifesto was the ANC, followed by the DA. The latter fared ...

Infographic: Women and the 2016 Local Government Elections

The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) presented the status and progress of the 50/50 campaign in terms of female political representation at local government level. South Africa will be holding its local government elections on 3 August 2016 and it is an opportune time to improve on gender representation ...

Mr Sarel Marais (DA)


What is your political background? How did you become involved in politics?

I have an MBA degree and several years of practical business experience. I served as Mayor for the Rawsonville Transitional Council from 1995 to 2000 and am very active in serving the local disability community. In addition, I ...

Ms Ellen Prins (ANC)


How did you become involved in politics and what attracted you to your particular party?

I have been a community activist at local government level, assisting people with repossession and eviction disputes from a young age. At the time, I was also a member of the United Democratic Front (UDF) ...

Local Government Elections 2016: SA’s big issue poll

By Ranjeni Munusamy

The date of South Africa’s fifth municipal elections is unlikely to be announced for at least another month with another round of registrations scheduled to take place on 9 and 10 April. Once the elections are proclaimed, the voters’ roll will be closed. There will be many ...

Infographic: SA's voting landscape

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs on Tuesday, 16 February 2016 on their state of readiness for the 2016 Municipal Elections. Although the exact date of the 2016 Municipal Elections will only be known when the election is officially proclaimed by the Minister of ...

Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI): Re-imagining local government

What are the major challenges facing municipalities today?


In South Africa today multiple contradictions (economic, social and political) are increasingly playing themselves out at the local government level.

What are the implications for municipalities and how are they responding to these challenges?

Ahead of the upcoming local government elections, the ...

Desperate and divided: South Africa has had enough

By Lizette Lancaster

Increasingly, South Africans from all walks of life are mobilising for change. Many resort to public protest in the hope of galvanising government to improve its performance and do something about unacceptable levels of unemployment and poverty. Last year saw widespread community-level protests, along with large-scale student ...

SONA: Go for the Big Five, President Zuma, you have nothing to lose

By Judith February.

The President should focus on the multi-dimensional nature of South Africa’s crisis: from the economy, to racial polarisation, securitisation of the state, dysfunction and maladministration at local government, the problems are easily identifiable. The SONA should be easy to write. Go for the Big Five, and you’re ...

Parliament in 2016: what to expect

From the local government elections to political battles, 2016 promises to be another turbulent year in Parliament. Also high on the agenda are contentious legislation, domestic challenges, the state of the economy and public accountability. We preview some of the main issues that will dominate the headlines in 2016.

More ...

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