Infographic: Election results - Metros

The 2016 Municipal Elections concluded and Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)declared the elections free and fair on Saturday, 6 August 2016.

The African National Congress (ANC) retained majority support in 5 (Buffalo City, City of Johannesburg, Ekhurhuleni, eThekwini and Mangaung) of the 7 metros the party controlled since 2011. However, the ...

Ask Mayoral candidates to commit to making accessible all Service Delivery Agreements with businesses


Have you seen your municipality's Service Delivery Agreements (SDAs) with businesses it contracts? No idea what that is? Well, it often feels like that’s the way many political candidates want it to stay. You see, the Municipal Systems Act states SDAs must be made public [1], so that people like ...

Infographic: Voting in the 2016 Municipal Elections

With just a few days to go before the 2016 Local Government Elections, The IEC’s publication: A Guide to the 2016 Municipal Elections (can be downloaded from gives a clear step-by step breakdown on what voters can expect when they report to their voting stations. They also remind ...

Mr Cameron Mackenzie (DA)


What is your political background? What drew you to your specific party? Politics has always been part of my life for as long as I can remember: from choosing a part in a school play, being elected as the grade representative on the Students Representative Council (SRC) in high school ...

Mr Mohapi Jihad Mohapi (ANC)


What is your political background? My political activism started in 1985 when I was in grade 9 at Kananelo Secondary High School in Kroonstad in the Free State. I became involved in the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) activities. At the time we were addressing the plight of black ...

Infographic: What will we vote for?

South Africans will be going to the polls on 3 August 2016 for the fourth local government elections since democracy. The Dullah Omar Institute recently published a manual, Electing Councillors: A Guide to Municipal Elections that, according to the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, "provides us with further ...

What rising protests in SA say about attitudes towards local government


THE euphoria of SA’s 2016 municipal elections is at its peak, with political parties parading their manifestos, all in competition for a stake in the local sphere of government.

The razzmatazz is deafening. But, it blurs a vexing question: what does governing in the post-apartheid state, ...

Opinion & Analysis: SA needs more accountability in its electoral system



The report by Municipal IQ on the trends in service delivery protests in SA is very disturbing. A worrying component of these protests is the increasing level of violence, and even more worrying is the fact that the violence is perpetrated mostly by the youth, who should ...

Infographic: 2014/15 Municipal audit outcomes

The auditor-general (AG) reported the audit results of South Africa’s municipalities over the past 5 years during a media briefing on 1 June 2016. In its annual audits, the AG examines fair representation of financial statements, reliable and credible performance information on predetermined performance objectives and compliance with all legislation ...

Mr Mncedisi Filtane (UDM)


What is your political background? I was actively involved in the formation of the Youth League in Umtata in the 1970s. I was approached by the security branch while at university and asked to become a spy, which I turned down. This request led to my resignation from politics ...

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