
PSIRA bill raises restriction on foreign ownership alarms bells

After being voted through the National Assembly towards the end of 2013, opposition MPs kicked up enough fuss to get the Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment (PSIRA) Bill sent back to the Portfolio Committee on Police this year... only to get see it passed again on Wednesday 29 January, minutes ...

Review of Parliament's Rule Book

The current review of the Rules of Parliament is not only in compliance with statutory requirements but in response to pressures from the leading and minority opposition parties in Parliament. Moves made by the Democratic Alliance to pass a Motion of No Confidence on the President of the Republic last ...

Parliament can feed the poor

One thing that can be said about attending parliamentary committee meetings (unrelated to the discourse), is that the food served to MPs and visitors during the meetings is plentiful and delicious. Fresh filter coffee and cream, scones with whipped cream and jam, fine cheeses with crackers, croissant sandwiches with a ...


“When a Government collapses, the first thing to go is justice, and there is no justice in this country.”

These words were muttered by a disgruntled opposition MP during a tea break after a presentation from the South African Police Services (SAPS). The Portfolio Committee on Police had just gone ...

Parliamentary meetings can go two ways…

As an observer, one is either fortunate to attend a committee meeting where Members of Parliament are thoroughly prepared and willing to respectfully engage with one another on matters, but other meetings fail to grasp your interest from inception and the free snacks provided by Parliament may become the highlight ...

Ms Mudene Smuts (DA) MP


DENE SMUTS, has been a Member of Parliament for over two decades. She was born in the Free State and is the daughter of a judge. She joined the realm of politics in 1989 and has served the Groote Schuur and Athlone constituencies.

Political background: I have been an ...

Strong Words Between Minister and Committee

Strong words were exchanged between the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture recently. Over several months the Committee had voiced its disquiet at the absence of the Minister and Deputy Minister from Committee meetings. This was conveyed to her when she finally met with ...

Constituency Offices (2013)

South Africa’s electoral system at the provincial and national levels is one of proportional representation, meaning that MPs and MPLs are not elected from geographic areas in the way that ward councillors are in local government elections[1]. This does not mean that representatives are not expected to interact with the ...

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