
83% do not know where their local constituency office is

Our current survey shows that 83% of online visitors to the People’s Assembly did not know where their local constituency office is located. Parliament spent R203 million last year to provide these constituency offices.

The People's Assembly website focuses on MP accountability. SA does not have a constituency system where ...

School violence no better or worse since 2008 hears Committee

On 26 February, the Select Committee on Education and Recreation held a meeting to discuss school safety, an issue that was specifically tied to keeping learners in school. The Department of Basic Education told the Committee that school safety involved the community and that parent support is needed as “violence ...

In the spotlight this week

With only two weeks left before Parliament rises, it is not a surprise that the National Assembly has planned two plenary sessions for Tuesday and the scheduled sittings for Wednesday and Thursday are expected to finish late in the day.

On Wednesday, the Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe will provide oral ...

Controversial WEGE Bill is adopted by Committee amid protest

The Portfolio Committee on Women, Children and People with Disabilities adopted the Women Empowerment Gender Equality (WEGE) Bill on Tuesday, 26 February, after controversial in-committee protests by the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT).

According to a statement released by Parliament, this Bill “marks yet another important step towards ...

No Bills by MPs accepted - despite Constitutional Court challenge

The life of the Fourth Parliament is drawing to a close. Not a single Private Member’s bill has been taken forward or passed in this Parliament, and since 1994, only 17 Private Members’ bills, the majority being of a purely technical nature, have been accepted.

Prior to 2012, all private ...

Public health infrastructure remains a challenge as NHI is rolled out

Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, briefed MPs of the Health Portfolio Committee today, 26 February, on the roll out of the National Health Insurance (NHI) programme and the progress made so far throughout the provinces.

The NHI is being implemented as a way to make quality health care available for ...

Mud schools take back seat to parliamentary discussion on role of IDT

The Select Committee on Public Services held a meeting on Tuesday, 25 February, with the Independent Development Trust (IDT) regarding their role in the delivery of school infrastructure with specific reference to the eradication of mud schools. Considering the huge public outcry surrounding mud schools, People’s Assembly was surprised that ...

Adoption and lack of social workers are challenges, hears Social Development Committee

The Social Development Portfolio Committee held a meeting with the Department of Social Development on Tuesday, 18 February to discuss its six-monthly report (April-September 2013). During a review of the Department’s performance, MPs noted that although the target for adoptions had been more than met – 735 adoptions registered against ...

Parliament demands inclusive education for children with disabilities

On Wednesday, 19 February, the Public Service and Administration Committee received a joint briefing by the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities on the crucial issue of access to schools for children with disabilities.

In her opening statement, Chairperson of the Committee, ...

Basic Education Committee receives briefing on 2013 National Senior Certificate Results

On Tuesday, 18 February, the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education received a briefing by its respective department on the 2013 National Senior Certificate (NSC) results with Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, in attendance. The Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi) also briefed the Committee ...

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