
More information about elections is needed

By Mukelani Dimba

On 19 June 2014, 490 Members of Parliament will hear President Jacob Zuma give the State of the Nation Address, which will also mark the opening of the Fifth Parliament. On 21 May 2014, these individuals stood before Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng to swear or affirm their ...

Gender representation in Parliament: Beyond the numbers

As People’s Assembly recently published an infographic on the gender breakdown of seats in both houses of Parliament, we thought we’d go a step further and get some analysis on whether a higher number of women MPs translates into more gender equality in legislation. We caught up with honorary research ...

Deaf ex-MP comments on loss of Disability portfolio

Wilma Newhoudt-Druchen has experienced many firsts: She was South Africa’s first deaf MP as well as being the first woman and the first person from the African continent to fill the role of Vice President at the World Federation of the Deaf. While she is not returning to Parliament this ...

Parliament and Cabinet: Friends, Foes or Frenemies?

In many democratic societies, questions of accountability and efficiency are constantly being raised. As the new government begins its term and members of cabinet are appointed, people may wonder: What is the relationship between Parliament and the Cabinet? Does that relationship benefit or harm my rights? The People’s Assembly is ...

Cabinet changes and their impact on Parliament

President Jacob Zuma announced his Cabinet on Sunday evening, 25 May, and much has been said about the appointments and omissions, and how this would affect the respective ministries. One issue that has been overlooked is what impact the new cabinet will have on Parliament and its committees.

Aside from ...

The perks of being an MP

Parliament’s two Houses, the National Assembly (NA) and National Council of Provinces (NCOP), have just concluded their first sittings – where Members of Parliament were sworn in, and the President was formally elected along with the Speaker of the NA, the Chairperson of the NCOP, and other relevant office bearers. ...

MPs being sworn in: The process

Today, ahead of the first sitting of Parliament tomorrow, ANC Secretary General, Gwede Mantashe, announced that Max Sisulu will not be returning as Speaker of the National Assembly (NA), and that the nomination for Speaker of the House is party stalwart Baleka Mbete. Lechesa Tsenoli has been named as the ...

Veteran MP's advice to new MPs

The Fifth Parliament opens on 21 May 2014 and People’s Assembly decided to catch up with out-going MP and former chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police, Annelize van Wyk.

Asked why she’s not returning to Parliament, van Wyk answered with a short and simple “Because I was too low ...

Ms Dianne Kohler-Barnard (DA)


DIANNE KOHLER-BARNARD worked in media as a journalist for just over two decades before she became a Member of Parliament. She has served as an MP for ten years, and has also served as a whip and the Shadow Minister of Police for the Democratic Alliance.

Political background: I completed ...

Buti Manamela confirms an open secret

Christi van der Westhuizen

Buti Manamela, ANC MP and leader of the Young Communist League, caused a stir in parliament this week when he stated bluntly that he acts on orders from Luthuli House, the ANC’s headquarters. He was speaking at the meeting where the ANC used its parliamentary majority ...

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