The Week Ahead: Legislation, Oversight Visits & Question Time dominate final week

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament on 11 October 2016. But a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go.

With nothing scheduled in the NA chamber, the committee corridor will be the main ...

The Week Ahead: Debates, Question Time & Committees…

There's both high policy and low politics on display in the main chambers this week, with appearances by the deputy president and ministers in the economic cluster (combining both of the above, no doubt).

Beyond this, there is plenty of scope for party battles when lawmakers debate a number of ...

The week ahead: A fiery week looms

It’s taken a few weeks but Parliament is finally firing on all cylinders with plenty of action scheduled in the National Assembly Chamber and the committee corridor.

The main events will be the debate on the State of the Nation Address on Tuesday and Wednesday as well as the President’s ...

The Week Ahead: Food Security, Expropriation Bill, UIF Bill & Marikana

It’s still early days and Parliament is not yet firing on all cylinders. There are no sittings scheduled in the main chambers and only a handful of meetings planned for the committee corridor. Nonetheless, there is still scope for headline-grabbing and party battles in this week's parliamentary agenda, with food ...

Infographic: Fifth Parliament - 2015 review in numbers

Parliament 2015 just drew to a close and the infographic below looks at how busy it was during each of its four terms, comparing numbers for committee meetings, constituency days, plenary sittings and legislation. Term 2 (April-June) was busiest in all respects - it had 35% of the 109 constituency ...

The Week Ahead: Most of the parliamentary action is in the committee corridor

There's a humdrum flavour to this week's parliamentary business in the National Assembly chamber - with MPs finishing off legislation, processing assorted statutory instruments and reports, making statements and discussing matters of public importance.

The major highlight will be the question session involving the Deputy President and Ministers in the ...

The Week Ahead: Spotlight on President, rules and Nkandla Committee

After a low key week, the National Assembly chamber has shifted gears and arranged a busy programme, which includes ministerial statements, policy debates, oral questions and the processing of assorted bills and statutory instruments. It’s rather quieter in the NCOP chamber, where internal work dominates and any kind of contested ...

Start at Speaker of Parliament Baleka Mbete for more open House

By Judith February

President Jacob Zuma comes to Parliament to answer oral questions again on Thursday. Last week’s budget vote debates left much to be desired as MPs seemed more intent on name-calling than debating the challenges facing SA.

Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, Speaker of Parliament Baleka Mbete ...

The week ahead: The legislature's budget vote, Nkandla, committee meetings and more

Parliament has scheduled a broad and busy programme in the main chambers as well as in the committee corridor this week.

The Legislature's budget vote is the main plenary event. During their speeches last year, the presiding officers (read here and here) focused largely on the legacy of the ...

Ms Phumzile van Damme - DA

P Van Damme

Political background: Growing up, I was involved in politics in one form or another. My earliest memory of political activity was leading a strike in Grade 5 because our teacher would not allow us to go out for break.

At university I majored in Political Science and Law, and the ...

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