The Week Ahead: Budget vote debate season begins

Since early March, portfolio committees have been meeting with departments and entities to process their budget votes and prepare reports.

The focus now shifts to the budget vote debates that commence tomorrow and run until the end of the month. These debates will happen in the Extended Public Committees (EPCs), ...

The Week Ahead: Curtailed Programme

Just like the rest of the country, Parliament vibrates with concern about the recent spate of xenophopic attacks . As part of countrywide efforts to counter these incidents, the legislature has suspended its plenary sittings for this week to allow MPs to go to their constituencies and mobilise their communities ...

The Week Ahead: Committee meetings get underway ahead of SONA

The pre-State of the Nation Address (SONA) period is usually a low-key time in Parliament – quiet and uncontroversial.

There was shift in this trend this year as MPs met in the past two weeks to finalise proposals on how to tighten Parliament's rules. A dress code for parliamentarians, their ...

Infographic: The Fifth Parliament - 2014 review in numbers

The conclusion of the parliamentary calendar year this week sees the Fifth Parliament shut its doors after what has surely been one of the most tumultuous National Assemblies to date. People’s Assembly takes a look at what happened behind the scenes in the halls of the Legislature with the parliamentary ...

The Week Ahead: End of a Raucous and tumultuous year

South Africans will have to find another way to entertain themselves when Parliament ends this week. The legislature has been the source of regular drama, comedy and even bloody action since the start of the fifth Parliament. Citizens have been lapping up all the action with Parliament frequently trending on ...

The Week Ahead: Deputy President to meet with opposition, spotlight on EFF conduct, and meetings to come

We forecasted last week that the divisions between the ruling party and most opposition parties were set to widen in Parliament. What we did not anticipate was how quickly and devastatingly matters would escalate, resulting in the shameful scenes witnessed last Thursday when the public order policing unit entered the ...

The Week Ahead: All eyes on Minister of Finance as he presents mini-budget

Following last week’s hectic schedule, Parliament has eased up this week, but only just a touch. Committees will continue examining government departments and state entities on their 2013/14 Annual Reports in preparation of their Budgetary Review and Recommendations Reports. These reports may include proposals on the future use of resources ...

Infographic: Parliament's second term in numbers

With the second term of the Fifth Parliament done and dusted, People’s Assembly takes a look at what happened behind the scenes in the halls of the Legislature. The parliamentary review provides a snapshot of the work done by public representatives in the Fifth Parliament, summarising all the facts you ...

The Week Ahead: Another showdown in Parliament

Another week and another showdown is looming in Parliament. Last week, five opposition parties (DA, EFF, COPE, UDM and FF+) tabled a motion of no confidence in the Speaker of Parliament. They accused her, amongst other things, of being partisan and stifling criticism of the executive arm of government. The ...

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