These 16 people could stop the next Marikana


sixteen people

Police Minister Nhleko and the Police Portfolio Committee are currently overseeing the recommendations of the Marikana Report. We all know if we don't demilitarise our police, it's just a matter of time before we have another massacre.

Minister Nhleko wants to set up an expert panel on police crowd control, ...

“Disarm the R5 Rifle Minister Nhleko”

GFSA amandla

A campaign has been launched by Gun Free South Africa and calling on the Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko and the National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega to disarm the police’s crowd-control units of their deadly R5 deadly rifles.

The R5 assault rifle is based on the Israeli Galil, which ...

Community essential to police work, says Minister

In his Police Budget Vote address in Parliament on Monday, Minister of Police Nkosinathi Nhleko, said that policing cannot exist without community support and participation, and that policing needs to continue to be subjected to public scrutiny to keep them accountable.

“The NDP [National Development Plan] envisions a state with ...

ISS and SAPU on SAPS and the latest crime stats

On Tuesday, the Portfolio Committee on Police heard input from the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the South African Policing Union (SAPU) on the South African Police Service’s budget and Annual Performance Plan for the year. Before hearing from their guests, Committee Researcher Ivan Kinnes did a brief presentation ...

Police Portfolio Committee Chair Van Wyk reflects on police v. protesters

On Tuesday, before turning the Portfolio Committee on Police's attention to considering the controversial Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment (PSIRA) bill, Chairperson Annelize Van Wyk began the meeting on a sombre note by making mention of the fact that this year has not started off well for SAPS, with regards ...

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