The Week Ahead: Debates, Oral Questions & Important Hearings.

Last week, Parliament was the scene of mass protests as thousands took to the streets to protest against gender-based violence and the killing of young women and children. The catalyst for the protests was the rape and murder of 19-year-old UCT student Uyinene Mrwetyana.

In 2008, a series of violent ...

Budget, Deputy President & farewells

After several intense weeks, there is a slight lull in the parliamentary agenda for the coming week.


Most of the significant business is in the main chambers while the Committee corridor takes a backseat. The programme has a distinct end of term feel as members of the National Assembly depart ...

The week ahead: Mini-budget, President's Q&A session top the agenda…

It's a busy week in the main chambers and committee corridor. Everything from the mini-budget speech, to the President and Ministerial question times, to debates, to legislative business, to motions and members' and ministerial statements dominate the plenary agenda.

All eyes will be on the Minister of Finance when he ...

Final Term Begins…

MPs head back to Parliament this week for the final term. This session runs for 8 weeks and will be packed with activities. Some of the highlights include committee, oversight and legislative work; oral questions to the executive, NCOP Oversight Week and a review of the national budget.

In this ...

Decisions on public money not that democratic when the majority is not heard

By Steven Friedman



WHEN South Africans debate how public money should be spent, we can be sure that the voices of most of the people will never be heard.

The conflict over university fee increases is the latest example. We are told that "the students" want some ...

Ms Tasneem Motara (ANC)


What is your political background? I joined the African National Congress (ANC) about 16 years ago. I grew up in a very politically active home: some of my family members were in exile, and some of them are still active in politics. I joined the ANC Youth League in 2000 ...

Mr Cameron Mackenzie (DA)


What is your political background? What drew you to your specific party? Politics has always been part of my life for as long as I can remember: from choosing a part in a school play, being elected as the grade representative on the Students Representative Council (SRC) in high school ...

Survey on Parliamentary Constituency Offices


Parliamentary Constituency Offices are funded through public funds and constituency work is meant to be an integral part of what Members of Parliament do. Policy also requires that parties provide Parliament with information on the location of its offices and the MP assigned to each, however information on constituency offices ...

Mr Moses Mbatha (EFF)


What is your political background? I joined the struggle at an early age. I was age 10 years old when I first attended a community meeting to discuss a rent and bus boycott in 1980 in the township of Umlazi in the south of Durban. As one of the youngest ...

The Week Ahead: Farewells, loose ends & tussles...

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament after the elections on 16 August 2016. But a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go.

There's both high policy and low politics on display in the ...

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