Survey on Parliamentary Constituency Offices


Parliamentary Constituency Offices are funded through public funds and constituency work is meant to be an integral part of what Members of Parliament do. Policy also requires that parties provide Parliament with information on the location of its offices and the MP assigned to each, however information on constituency offices is not readily available.

Parliament has stated that “The Parliamentary Constituency Offices play a vital role in enabling the public to become active citizens and to take part in parliamentary activities. Services that give effect to this are direct interaction with MPs and the opportunity to lobby representatives, report-backs from MPs and advice on how to access services from both public and private sector establishments.”

People’s Assembly will be surveying the 330 constituency offices across the country. The survey is intended to find out what these offices do and how they are filling a need in the community.

If you would like to be one of our surveyors, participate in the survey or have any questions about it, you can contact us via the following options: 021 465 8885 /


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