The Week Ahead: Divisions set to continue in Parliament

Parliament has been occupied with two contentious issues for the past few months. This has resulted in the souring of relations between the ruling party and most opposition parties. Constructive debate has been replaced by walkouts and threats of legal action.

With both matters set to be finalised by their ...

Infographic: Evaluating the impact of firearm regulation on gun-homicides

The Portfolio Committee on Police recently heard a presentation by the Central Firearms Registry (CFR), where they briefed the department on measures taken to curb gun-homicides and gun-violence in general. The CFR is a subsidiary body of the South African Police Service (SAPS) who are tasked with regulating the country’s ...

Calls for establishment of ad hoc committee as President’s Nkandla report tabled

President Javcob Zuma’s report on the security upgrades for his private residence in Nkandla has been tabled in Parliament, appearing in the Announcements, Tablings and Committee Reports (ATC) today. The report has been tabled after the President missed the 30-day deadline declared by the ANC’s chief whip’s office on ...

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