The Week Ahead: Oversight visits & committee business dominate the week

This week marks the mid-way point of the third term and the programme has a familiar pattern: lots of unglamorous legislating, oversight and scrutinising, with some set piece battles in prospect.

Fireworks are expected during the debate on the parliamentary ad hoc committee report on the Nkandla upgrades. MPs visited ...

The Week Ahead: Executive scrutiny & legislative action

There's both high policy and low politics on display in the main chambers this week. The National Assembly offers a blend of members' statements, a discussion of national importance, legislative business and oral questions to the Deputy President and Peace and Security Cluster. The programme is a bit more pedestrian ...

The week ahead: Youth issues and oral questions take centre stage

The programmes in the main chambers offer a blend of members' statements, policy debates, legislative business, oral questions to the Deputy President and Economic Cluster and a joint debate to mark Youth Day.

During his question session in the National Assembly (NA) on Wednesday, the leader of government business ...

Infographic: Child Justice Act implementation - progress report

On Wednesday, 20 May 2015, the South African Police Service (SAPS) briefed the Police Portfolio Committee on progress made on the implementation of the Child Justice Act. Since the implementation of the legislation, the number of children charged for crimes has been on a downward trajectory. The Act looks toward ...

The Week ahead: Legislation & budget debates dominate

This is a week for detailed law-making, with issues ranging from maintenance, to freedom of expression, to land expropriation, to trade union accountability and decriminalising consensual sex between children of certain ages.

Beyond this, the legislature’s budget vote season doesn’t show any sign of slowing down as most days are ...

The Week Ahead: Packed plenary programme and committee corridor

Parliament has scheduled a broad and busy programme in the main chambers as well as in the committee corridor.

The President’s oral question session in the NCOP (on Thursday) is the main plenary event. His responses to questions on the recent xenophobic attacks and the Report on Farlam Commission of ...

The week ahead: All Action in the Committee Corridor

With no sittings scheduled in the main chambers, the committee corridor will be the main source of parliamentary action this week.

MPs will spend a considerable time meeting with various departments and entities on their strategic plans, annual performance plans and budgets.

In between, there's some detailed legislating as MPs ...

The Week Ahead: Second term kicks off

Parliament resumes this week after a two-week constituency period. The second term will run for eleven weeks and the programme is packed with activities. Some of the highlights include committee, oversight and legislative work; oral questions to the President and the Executive; budget vote debates and the National Council of ...

“Disarm the R5 Rifle Minister Nhleko”

GFSA amandla

A campaign has been launched by Gun Free South Africa and calling on the Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko and the National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega to disarm the police’s crowd-control units of their deadly R5 deadly rifles.

The R5 assault rifle is based on the Israeli Galil, which ...

Infographic: Firearm restrictions in South Africa - For or against?

On Tuesday and Wednesday, 24 and 25 March, Parliament hosted a National Firearms Control Summit, organised by the Police Portfolio Committee. The summit comes at a pivotal time as the Firearms Control Amendment Bill is before Parliament. The event was well attended by the relevant government entities, as well as ...

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