The week ahead: All Action in the Committee Corridor

With no sittings scheduled in the main chambers, the committee corridor will be the main source of parliamentary action this week.

MPs will spend a considerable time meeting with various departments and entities on their strategic plans, annual performance plans and budgets.

In between, there's some detailed legislating as MPs make a dent in their legislative programme.

Elsewhere, the Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs will from Tuesday visit three North West municipalities to assess their progress. This visit comes about after the MEC for Local Government and Human Settlements in that province tabled a Section 139 (1) (b) intervention in the NCOP.

Committee-land is stacked with meetings (39 at the time of writing) and several are likely to produce big headlines this week. Here is a run-down of the highlights:

On Tuesday, the Department of Home Affairs will brief MPs on the strategies to use banks to apply for the Smart ID Card and challenges and recommendations faced by people in applying for permits through Visa Facilitation Service (VFS). Although not on the agenda, the recent xenophobic attacks in the country are expected to be raised during this meeting.

The SAPS came in for some criticism last week when it appeared before the Portfolio Committee on Police to present its budget. MPs slammed the National Commissioner for being “evasive” and showing “disrespect” to the Committee. The entity will continue briefing legislators but will focus on Programme 4: Crime Intelligence and Programme 5: Protection and Security Services.

The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme is a multi-year programme that promotes teaching in public schools. According to a recent article, “South Africa is turning the corner regarding the number of matrics enrolling for teaching at university and finally graduating – but the same can’t be said about quality”. The performance of the Scheme and the recruitment and placement of beneficiaries will be in the spotlight when MPs meet with the Department of Basic Education.

Observers and experts will keep a close eye when the Companies Tribunal (CT) and Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) unveil their plans to MPs.

The Portfolio Committee on Women in the Presidency will consider several intriguing reports. Some of the topics include reviewing the implementation of the 365 Days of Action to End Violence against women and children; assessing the effectiveness of the National Council on Gender Based Violence; mainstreaming gender in the public sector and women’s participation and representation in South Africa’s 2014 elections.

The office of the chief justice will receive its own budget for the first time this year as part of moves to protect the independence of the judiciary. The office will present its plans to the Justice and Correctional Services Committee.

The edgiest parliamentary event will be the briefing by Eskom on Wednesday on governance and operational challenges facing the company. The beleagured state utility remains under pressure as power interruptions become a daily occurrence.

The public broadcaster continues to attract negative headlines. The continuing resignation of board members and various problems besetting the entity are bound to be discussed when it presents its budget, strategic plan and annual performance plan to MPs.

The EFF has been pushing for a change in the law to prevent transfer pricing. The EFF says transfer pricing is usually utilised by multinational corporations as a form of tax avoidance through selling the goods and services (particularly commodities) at a lower price at arm’s length in order to pay lesser taxes in the country of production.

According to the party, it is also done by overpricing the services a multinational corporation received for intangible services from its subsidiary corporation located in a tax haven. The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry has arranged a hearing to tackle this matter.

On Thursday, the Independent Police Investigative Directorate will brief MPs on its 2015/16 Budget and Annual Performance Plan. The battle between the Minister and the suspended Head of the Directorate will feature in the discussions.

On Friday, National Prosecuting Authority will get an opportunity to present its plans. The tensions, infighting and wrangling has occupied the entity for some time. Mps are expected to deal with these matters during the engagement.

On the legislative side, MPs will consider the Division of Revenue Bill, Banks Amendment Bill and Financial and Fiscal Commission Amendment Bill.

Read the full list here


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