The Week Ahead: Executive scrutiny & legislative action

There's both high policy and low politics on display in the main chambers this week. The National Assembly offers a blend of members' statements, a discussion of national importance, legislative business and oral questions to the Deputy President and Peace and Security Cluster. The programme is a bit more pedestrian ...

Infographic: The state of employment equity in SA 2014/15

South Africa recently saw the release of the Commission for Employment Equity Report for 2014/15. Yesterday, Director-General for the Department of Labour stated, at a press meeting, that SA is not at the level it should be with women and persons with disabilities continuing to struggle in the workforce. ...

The Week Ahead: Parliament's third term kicks off

Parliament resumes this week after a three-week constituency period. The third term will run for ten weeks and the programme is packed with activities. Some of the highlights include committee, oversight and legislative work; oral questions to the President and the Executive; and the NCOP’s Provincial and Local Government Weeks. ...

Metrorail eating away at our wallets

BY Sheilan Clarke

Metrorail (or Metrofail as commonly known among its commuters) has once again increased their tariffs despite late trains, broken seats, unnecessarily stopping in the middle of nowhere among other technical issues.

Lennit Max, Standing Committee chairman on Transport and Public Works recently said he wanted Metrorail to ...

Parliament, democracy and the failure of collective leadership

By Lebo Keswa and Dumisani Hlophe

The endless chaos in Parliament is symptomatic of a failure in responsible collective leadership, and is not limited to the ruling party, but extends to all parties represented in the National Assembly. Naked pursuit of political power at all costs, regardless of the outcomes, ...

The Week ahead: Legislation & budget debates dominate

This is a week for detailed law-making, with issues ranging from maintenance, to freedom of expression, to land expropriation, to trade union accountability and decriminalising consensual sex between children of certain ages.

Beyond this, the legislature’s budget vote season doesn’t show any sign of slowing down as most days are ...

Another try at revamping customary law

By Nolundi Luwaya

Earlier attempts to introduce a legal system that empowered chiefs to administer justice were fiercely opposed as provisions of the Traditional Courts Bill were deemed unconstitutional. Now a revised bill addressing rural issues is in the pipeline, writes Nolundi Luwaya.

Cape Town - The government is preparing ...

Ms Duduzile Promise Manana - ANC


Political background: I am from Driekoppies Malelane district in Mpumalanga. I joined the ANC formally in 1994 whereas; I had been involved since the age of 12 years before then.

I then served in the ANCYL as an additional member in the executive structure of the Malelane branch in the ...

The week ahead: All Action in the Committee Corridor

With no sittings scheduled in the main chambers, the committee corridor will be the main source of parliamentary action this week.

MPs will spend a considerable time meeting with various departments and entities on their strategic plans, annual performance plans and budgets.

In between, there's some detailed legislating as MPs ...

Vital statistics - Parliament: Salaries, gender representation and bills

Parliament has gone through many changes these past years - parties have come and gone (or merged), President's have changed, and Cabinet has been shuffled a few times. People's Assembly and the Parliamentary Monitoring Group, takes a look at transformation regarding other areas of Parliament. We have focused on ...

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