The Week Ahead: Men’s Parliament, Mini-Plenaries & Legislation

3 weeks until parli rises

There are three weeks left until Parliament rises for the year.

In the remaining days, lawmakers are scheduled to vote on several Bills, approve government spending, hold debates, scrutinise government performance, consider statutory appointments and instruments and finalise assorted Committee Reports.

The NA chamber has a full programme and will be sitting for 4 days:

On Tuesday, lawmakers will consider the Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill, Taxation Laws Amendment Bill and Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill.

On Wednesday, select Ministers in the Peace and Security Cluster will be probed on a variety of matters during their scheduled oral reply question session.

There are two mini-plenaries scheduled on Thursday. According to the rules, any matter may be discussed or debated in a mini-plenary session. This mechanism provides an opportunity for the House to debate a particular topic without being required to take a decision at the end of the debate. Mr M Gungubele (ANC) has placed this topic for discussion: “Non-racialism and social cohesion for a prosperous South Africa”. Mr W Madisha (COPE) will lead the discussion on: “The public sector wage bill and the need to develop a comprehensive public sector remuneration strategy for the medium to long-term, to include holders of public office, officials in state-owned companies, public entities and local government”.

The week concludes with the National Men’s Parliament on Thursday and Friday. The first National Men’s Parliament was held in 2018. The objective is to create partnerships with strategic stakeholders and ensure men’s participation in bringing to an end the gender-based violence.

Beyond this, chamber business includes consideration of assorted committee reports and the Division of Revenue Second Amendment Bill.

Meanwhile, the NCOP has arranged one sitting – on Wednesday - to debate Provincial Week. In addition, there are two events scheduled for delegates:

There is a briefing session on Parliament’s Oversight and Accountability Programme on Tuesday

There is a dialogue to mark Sixteen Days of Activism for no Violence Against Women and Children on Friday

See the Full Plenary Programme

It's another big week in the virtual Committee corridor where lawmakers will be dealing with Annual Reports, statutory appointments, legislative business and other oversight work.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Portfolio Committee on Transport, (National Assembly), [Responses by the Department of Transport on written and oral submissions on the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill [B 1 – 2020]; Consideration and adoption of draft minutes of proceedings], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00

Joint Meeting: Portfolio Committee on Basic Education and Select Committee on Education and Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture, (National Assembly and National Council of Provinces), [Consideration and Adoption of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports; Briefing by Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) on the Status and Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Schooling: Limpopo Department of Education; Briefing by DBE on Inclusive Education], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-12:00

Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs, (National Assembly), [Electoral Laws Amendment Bill response by the IEC and deliberations], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-12:00

Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy, (National Assembly), [Briefing by DMRE on Derelict and Ownerless Mines (including the rehabilitation of asbestos mines); Consideration and adoption of Minutes of 11 November 2020], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-12:00

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Portfolio Committee on Social Development, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Financial and Fiscal Commission on the Annual Reports of the Department of Social Development and its entities for 2019/20 financial year; Briefing by the Auditor General on the audit outcomes of the Annual Reports of the Department of Social Development and its entities for 2019/20 financial year], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00

Standing Committee on Public Accounts, (National Assembly), [Briefing by President of UDM on allegations of maladministration, mismanagement, and corruption at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-11:00

Standing Committee on Public Accounts, (National Assembly), [Briefing by Eastern Cape, MEC of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to establish consequence management against municipalities with investigations], Virtual Meeting Platform, 11:30-14:00

Standing Committee on Finance, (National Assembly), [Public Hearings on the SARB Amendment Bill], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-12:00

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Joint Standing Committee on Defence, (National Assembly and National Council of Provinces), [Presentation by South African Unintegrated Forces United Front on their grievances; Adoption of Minutes and Reports], Virtual Meeting Platform, 18:00-21:00

Friday, 20 November 2020

Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, (National Assembly), [Progress report by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and Directorate for Priority Crimes Investigations (DPCI) on VBS related matters; Briefing by Department of Cooperative Governance (DCOG) – Anti Corruption unit on progress made with regard to forensic investigations in local government], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-16:00

Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament, (National Assembly and National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by Secretary to Parliament on the institution’s performance in the 2nd quarter of the 2020/21 financial year], Virtual Meeting Platform, 12:00-15:00

Committees provide a platform for the public to present views directly to MPs. Share your on the ground experience and expert information to the relevant committees. Critically, what questions should MPs pose to the Executive as they conduct their oversight work?

We have consolidated our reports on the COVID-19 related meetings here.

View the schedule page here.

*This summary is based on the schedule as it is published on Monday morning. The programme is subject to frequent updating so the link above needs to be checked daily to confirm the programme for the day.


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