4.4 Orbit FET college a) Overview of the college Ms M Marais: Principal led the presentation which highlighted the following key issues: . When Technical Colleges merged into FET colleges in 2003, ORBIT college consisted of 4 campuses (Odi, Rustenburg, Brits and Temba) hence the name ORBIT. However, Odi and Temba Campus had since been removed from the College due to municipal demarcation. . Orbit FET college had 3 campuses and during 2012 there were 11 873 students (head counts) (Brits 2 168, Mankwe 3 701 and Rustenburg 5 554). Of the total 11 873, 4 197 were NC(V), 5 354 were Report 191 and 2 322 Occupational (learnerships / skills programmes). . The latest enrolment figures for 2013 (registration not yet closed) was 8 535 students (head counts). The college had a total 324 employees of which only 56 were paid via PERSAL and the remaining employees were paid by the College Payroll Office. In terms equity the staff was 84.6% black 13.9% white, 1.2% Coloured and 0.3% Indians. . The college had a Council approved Admission Policy that made provision for all the different programmes that the college offered. . The challenges of students included; late transfer of the NSFAS bursary, inadequate student support centres, inadequate student accommodation, demand for enrolment exceeded the available space, delay in the issuing of certificates and lack of clarity on college programmes. . The college had numerous partnerships with nearby industries namely; BMW, Bafokeng Rasimoni Platinum Mine, Ford Motor Company, Impala Platinum Mine, Furniture World, Builders Training Centre, Health and Welfare SETA (H&W SETA), Manufacturing and Related Services SETA (MERSETA), Transport Education SETA, Arts, Culture, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports SETA (CATHSETA), Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) Bojanala District Municipality and many other industries.