Adv Glynnis Breytenbach

Politician Profile Page

Glynnis Breytenbach

About Glynnis Breytenbach

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Police NPA progress on prosecution of State Capture cases
    7 Mar 2018

    The joint meeting between the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services and the Portfolio Committee on Police was called because the previous week Lt Gen Yoliswa Matakata, Acting Head, Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation had informed the Police Portfolio Committee that the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) was hindering progress in ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Public Protector on serious matters of public interest affecting her Office
    6 Mar 2018

    The Committee requested the Public Protector to comment on two specific matters of public interest: her report into the Vrede Dairy farm in Free State; the adverse findings against her in two separate court judgments in the Gauteng High Court, which set aside aspects of her remedial action in the ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Bill: inter-department coordination; with DIRCO Deputy Minister
    13 Feb 2018

    Documents handed out: State Security Agency presentation (classified); DIRCO (no document provided)

    There had been an intention to hold a discussion with the Public Protector on certain media statements and allegations around concealment of evidence during investigations, but that matter was shelved prior to the start of the meeting.

    The ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee 2016 public submissions: legal opinions
    23 Nov 2017

    Report of the meeting to follow.

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill: Department response to submissions
    14 Nov 2017

    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DJCD) continued with the comments received on the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill, and the responses by the Department to those comments. This section focused on chapters 6-9 to that dealt with mutual legal assistance establishment of 24/7 point of contact, evidence and obligations ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill: Department response to submissions; Review of Executive Members Ethics Act
    8 Nov 2017

    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DJCD) continued with the comments and submissions received on the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill, and the responses by the Department to those comments.

    Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) submitted that the best interests of the child in cybercrimes and cybersecurity should specifically be acknowledged ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill: Department responses to submissions
    7 Nov 2017

    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD) responded to the submissions on the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill dealing with general comments and Chapters 1 and 2 of the Bill.

    Questions of clarity arising from the submissions and responses covered the current capacity for the 24/7 point of contact; the ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Legal Practice Amendment Bill: adoption; Executive Members Ethics Act review: with Deputy Minister
    1 Nov 2017

    The Committee deliberated on the Legal Practice Amendment Bill. The Department responded to a concern raised the previous day about section 34 of the Act limiting the right to offering legal services. A Member interpreted it to mean that attorneys can be advocates in section 114; yet advocates cannot do ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Legal Practice Amendment Bill: response to submissions; Correctional Centres: Committee Oversight Report
    31 Oct 2017

    The National Forum on the Legal Profession had sent the Committee a document requesting an extension until 31 October 2018. Members proposed that the Forum should stipulate the outstanding activities and costing for the extension period. The Chairperson suggested the Committee accept this in principle subject to submission within 14 ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Public Protector removal request; Deputy Public Protector alleged misconduct
    25 Oct 2017

    On the matter of the inquiry on the fitness or otherwise of the Public Protector to hold office, the Chairperson noted in the previous meeting, he had indicated that he would recuse himself from the discussion.  However, he had since studied the documents and he believed that there was no ...