Adv Glynnis Breytenbach

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Glynnis Breytenbach

About Glynnis Breytenbach

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Correctional Services; Office of the Chief Justice; Justice and Constitutional Development Budgetary Review and Recommendations Reports
    18 Oct 2017

    The Committee considered three draft Budgetary Review and Recommendations Reports (BRRR) on the Department of Correctional Services, Office of the Chief Justice and Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. There were a few grammatical changes.

    Most of the discussion centred on the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development BRRR where ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Legal Practice Amendment Bill: response to submissions; International Arbitration Bill: adoption
    17 Oct 2017

    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development gave a response to the public submissions on the Legal Practice Amendment Bill.  The responses were divided into three categories:  proposals on the Bill, proposals beyond the scope of the Bill, and proposals that were not on the Bill but fall within the ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Public Protector speaking on 2016/17 Annual Report
    5 Oct 2017

    Annual Reports 2016/17

    The Public Protector presented an overview of the 2016/17 Annual Report for her Office. Within ten days, the Office of the Public Protector would celebrate 22 years since its inauguration and the current Public Protector would be celebrating 365 days in office. Highlights in the previous year ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Department of Justice and Constitutional Development 2016/17 Annual Report
    4 Oct 2017

    Annual Reports 2016/17 

    The Department of Justice and Correctional Services presentation on its Annual Report noted it had  undertaken a comprehensive list of policy updates and several Bills were making their way through Parliament. The Criminal Matters Amendment Act had been put into operation from 1 June 2016 and ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development National Prosecuting Authority on its 2016/17 Annual Report
    4 Oct 2017

    Annual Reports 2016/17 

    Adv Shaun Abrahams, Head of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), noted that he had spoken to the Committee about topical cases, such as State Capture, less than a month previously and he did not want to repeat those confidences.

    The National Department of Public Prosecutors (NDPP) ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Correctional Services 2016/07 Annual Report: Auditor-General input, with Minister present
    3 Oct 2017

    Annual Reports 2016/17 

    The AGSA highlighted that both the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) had regressed from ‘unqualified’ audit opinions to ‘qualified’ opinions in the 2016/17 financial year. This was primarily due to the non-compliance with a new financial reporting standards, non-compliance with ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee Committee minutes
    14 Sep 2017

    The Committee adopted all the outstanding minutes.

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill: public hearings day 1
    13 Sep 2017

    The Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR) stated the Centre largely supported the Bill. It does have concerns as certain clauses relating to fake news and revenge porn are overbroad and raise constitutional issues. The provisions could unduly limit constitutional rights to freedom of expression, privacy and access to courts. Limitation ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development International Arbitration Bill [B10-2017]: public hearings
    12 Sep 2017

    The Committee heard submissions from the Victoria Mxenge Group, Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (AFSA), the China-Africa Joint Arbitration Centre (CAJAC) and the Maritime Law Association (MLA) on the International Arbitration Bill. 

    The Victoria Mxenge Group unconditionally supported the Bill, but expressed concerns on the definitions of ‘arbitration agreement’ and ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Executive Members' Ethics Act review as part of remedial action of State of Capture Report
    5 Sep 2017

    The meeting dealt with the remedial action contained in paragraph 8.9 of the Public Protector’s State of Capture Report. This required Parliament to review the Executive Members Ethics Act to provide for increased accountability and transparency in conflicts of interest pertaining to the Executive. The Speaker of Parliament had referred ...