Adv Glynnis Breytenbach

Politician Profile Page

Glynnis Breytenbach

About Glynnis Breytenbach

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Office of the Chief Justice and Judicial Administration on Quarter 1 performance
    23 Aug 2017

    The Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) presented its report for the first quarter of the 2017/18 financial year, focusing on its financial and non-financial performance. It had three strategic goals. These were the efficient and effective administration of the OCJ, improved administrative and technical support to the judiciary, and ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development TRC regulations and community rehabilitation: progress report
    16 Aug 2017

    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DoJCD) reported on its implementation of the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and TRC draft Regulations. It identified major challenges in the Regulations as: limitation of rehabilitation projects to 18 communities, undisclosed criteria for identification of benefitting communities, insufficient consultation ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Paralegals and Community Courts legislation: progress report
    15 Aug 2017

    The Department of Justice, the National Alliance for the Development of Community Advice Offices (NADCAO), and the Association of Community Advice Offices of South Africa (ACAOSA) reported on legislation to regulate paralegals, the blueprint for community courts, and the Scottish model for legal aid.

    The Department of Justice explained that ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Protected Disclosures Amendment Bill: NCOP amendments; International Arbitration Bill: briefing
    14 Jun 2017

    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development presented the National Council of Provinces proposed amendments to the Protected Disclosures Amendment Bill. Clause 9A was the proposed amendment. The clause deals with excluding civil and criminal liability for protected disclosures. The Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC) proposed to the Select Committee ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Correctional Services human resource management
    13 Jun 2017

    The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) referred to the Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD) for correctional officers where the General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) Resolution 2 of 2009 gave effect to the centre base and non-centre based salary structure. The resolution had been implemented partially due to challenges in ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill: briefing continued
    31 May 2017

    The Committee met to be briefed on the remaining part of the proposed Cyber Security and Cybercrime Bill. The team from the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD) presented a chapter by chapter explanation of the remaining parts of Chapters five to 13 of the draft Bill.

    During the ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill: briefing, with Deputy Minister
    30 May 2017

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD) on the proposed Cyber Security and Cybercrime Bill. The Deputy Minister of the Department gave a brief background on why the Bill was needed. The DOJCD team described the terminologies used in the Bill and the National ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Judicial Matters Amendment Bill: Department response to public comments, with Deputy Minister
    23 May 2017

    The Committee was briefed on the comments and responses to the Judicial Matters Amendment Bill [B14-2016]. The Commission for Gender Equality (CGE), Rape Crisis, the Women’s Legal Centre, the Rape Survivors’ Justice Campaign and the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) had all made submissions and recommendations on the Bill. ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Committee Report on Department of Justice, Correctional Services & Office of Chief Justice Budgets
    16 May 2017

    The Committee considered the draft reports on the budgets for the Department of Justice, the Department of Correctional Services and the Office of the Chief Justice.

    The Chairperson headed a page by page analysis of the three documents. In many of the documents, minor changes were required, either to grammar ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Courts of Law Amendment Bill; Legal Practice Amendment Bill: briefing
    10 May 2017

    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development presented the finalised Portfolio Committee amendments on the Courts of Law Amendment Bill. Members reflected on the Committee Report accompanying the Courts Bill. After clarifying the preamble of the Courts Bill, scope of notice to judgment debtors, use of the phrase ‘just and ...