SJC: Appeal for donations to defend wrongly accused human rights activists


The Social Justice Coalition (SJC) has put out an urgent appeal for donations to fund the legal defence of Angy Peter and Isaac Mbadu, two human rights activists who work for the SJC, charged with murder and kidnapping by the South African Police Service. The two activists were arrested in ...

“Fix the Patent Laws” campaign

Fix the Patent Laws

The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), together with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), launched the “Fix the Patent Laws” campaign to draw attention to South Africa’s national patent laws that have hindered access to affordable medicines.

The campaign asks for a reform of these laws, which have made medicines “unaffordable, unavailable, or ...

Stop SASSA-CPS Debits Campaign


The Black Sash, along with partner organisations and supporters of the STOP SASSA-CPS DEBITS CAMPAIGN, met with government officials to register the extent and impact of crisis facing millions of SASSA beneficiaries and their households. Our meeting on 29 January 2014, at Khotso House in Johannesburg, was the start of ...



MyVoteCounts (MVC), launched almost two years ago, is a dynamic campaign aimed at improving the accountability, transparency and inclusiveness of elections and politics in South Africa in general.

The campaign, formed by citizens and members of civil society organisations, aims to do this in two ways:

• By advocating for ...

AWETHU! A people’s platform for social justice


AWETHU! A people’s platform for social justice was launched on November 28th, 2013 in Johannesburg, with participation from more than 70 progressive, social movements, NGOs and faith based 28th, 2013 in South Africa. Awethu! seeks to build a broad, independent alliance to ...

VIP: Voting is Power

VIP Header

The Voting is Power (VIP) campaign, launched by LiveSA magazine, is aimed at youth - the politically frustrated, the politically curious, and even the politically apathetic. It encourages you to get involved and have your say. People might see politicians as the VIPs, but you need to remember “they work ...

About Advocacy Campaigns

Advocacy Campaigns

Activists are invited to share their campaigns with you about improving policy and law. Come here to find out what they have been doing, how you can support them, and how you can get involved. If you would like to share your campaign, please click here

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