Book launch and discussion: Manifestations of woundedness - Violence and xenophobia

IJR War Trauma incore acms

The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, War Trauma Foundation (Netherlands), The International Conflict Research Institute (INCORE) and the African Centre for Migration and Society cordially invite you to a book launch and public discussion coinciding with the hosting of an international conference titled ‘Healing communities, transforming society: Exploring the interconnectedness ...

Right2Know marches against xenophobia


The Right2Know Campaign calls on all South Africans to join hands and lead the fight against Xenophobia. R2K is calling on the South African Police Service to practice restraint and calm, and to respect the rights of people to freely express their disapproval of xenophobic violence. They are asking government ...

Right2Know: Support “Freedom Week” (27 April – 3 May 2015)


R2K is calling on all supporters to plan actions for Freedom Week 2015 highlighting the free flow of information, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association, or the rights of journalists and whistle-blowers.

Hold an Event:

Supporting organisations are invited to host public events to raise awareness of the ...

“Disarm the R5 Rifle Minister Nhleko”

GFSA amandla

A campaign has been launched by Gun Free South Africa and calling on the Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko and the National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega to disarm the police’s crowd-control units of their deadly R5 deadly rifles.

The R5 assault rifle is based on the Israeli Galil, which ...

The Tunisian Transition and the Arab Spring: A talk by Amine Ghali

goedgedacht CSVR

The Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation and the Goedgedacht Forum for Social Reflection invite you to a public talk by Amine Ghali on ‘The Tunisian Transition and the Arab Spring’.

Amine Ghali is the Programme Director of Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (KADEM), where he works on ...

ODAC’s “Heroes Under Fire” Book Launch


According to ODAC, whistleblowers in South Africa are under threat as never before. A deepening culture of impunity and lack of accountability is making it harder for them to expose wrongdoing.

On the 3 March 2015 ODAC will be launching “Heroes Under Fire”, which features new and extensive research into ...

R2K Mass Meeting: “Defend Democracy! Hands off our Parliament!”


The Right2Know Campaign invites everyone concerned by the unrest which took place in Parliament during the President’s State of the Nation Address on Thursday, 12 February, to a candle light vigil. R2K believes that this was an attack on democracy in Parliament.

We call on the people of Cape Town ...

Support MY VOTE COUNTS “No-to-secrecy” campaign


On 16 July 2014, MVC lodged an application at the Constitutional Court (the Court), asking that the Court declare Parliament's failure to enact national legislation to regulate private funding of political parties unconstitutional. This application is a key part of MVC’s work for greater transparency in politics in South Africa ...

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence


On the 27 November 2014 Sonke Gender Justice in collaboration with 35 organisations, participated in rallies across South Africa calling for a national action plan against gender-based violence (GBV). In South Africa, more than a thousand women are killed every year by an intimate partner, approximately a million rapes occur ...

CER launches a Report on Commercial Interests and Transparency in Environmental Governance

CER moneytalks

Since 2010, the Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) has submitted 240 PAIA requests for records on environmental governance and management. These requests were directed at various national departments, municipalities, parastatals and private companies, often on behalf of communities who are living in areas affected by polluting industries.

On average, fewer ...

About Advocacy Campaigns

Advocacy Campaigns

Activists are invited to share their campaigns with you about improving policy and law. Come here to find out what they have been doing, how you can support them, and how you can get involved. If you would like to share your campaign, please click here

Recent Stories

ODAC: Updates on Whistleblower Protections

Global Legislative Openness Week 2017 (GLOW^4)

SAFCEI: Speak out against uranium mining in the Karoo

Spotlight on violence against women

Executive ethics: a need for review?

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