Infographic: MPs and Constituency Offices - How they can help you

Many South Africans do not know who their MPs are, or that there could be an MP or MPL assigned to their area to act as their representative. People's Assembly has put together an infographic that explains what your representative can do for you and how you can connect with ...

ANC Leadership Race: The fight for every single vote


With the results of the ANC’s nomination process now (slowly) becoming public through the provincial general council process, it is becoming clearer just how tight the race for the ANC’s leadership is going to be. While there have been indications of this earlier in the year, the ...

The Week Ahead: Parliament Wraps Up 2017!

It’s a week of farewells and loose ends in the National Assembly. The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament next year. But a fair amount of work will be done before they go as there is a lot ...

Infographic: 2016/17 SASSA beneficiaries

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) presented its 2016/17 annual report to the Select Committee on Social Services on Wednesday, 21 November 2017. In its report, the Agency provided a status report on beneficiaries of social assistance, social assistance trends per province, as well as child grant beneficiaries.

The ...

Party funding: survey results

An explanation was provided to Media24 readers about outstanding decisions in the Regulations and 694 people engaged and responded on 10 November 2017.

These results have been forwarded to the Ad Hoc committee on Political Party Funding.

See what South Africans think:


The Week Ahead: It's a mad rush...

There is a bit of frenzy in Parliament as legislation and important business that can be completed are rushed to the finishing line while other less urgent parliamentary business is dropped for lack of time.

It's a big week in the NA chamber with MPs scheduled to sit for long ...

Infographic: Cost to Communicate

In a recent meeting, The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services briefed the Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services on the cost to communicate. According to the Department, increased access to communications technologies, in particular broadband, and the services and content carried on ICT networks is an important means ...

Have your say on the political #partyfunding Bill!

Recently, Media24 readers helped Parliament's Committee on Funding of Political Parties reach consensus that parties should disclose sources of funding to the public. There are still some obstacles MPs have to resolve in the next week before deadline. Here we unravel the jargon so you can have your say:

What ...

The Week Ahead: President in the NCOP & Questions to Deputy

It's the last rites of the 2017 Parliament and both chambers have scheduled broad and busy programmes as they rush to finalise all urgent business.

In the NA chamber, the main plenary event will be the appearance by the Deputy President to answer oral questions in the House. This monthly ...

The Week Ahead: Debates, Questions & Committee Scrutiny

The endgame of the current parliamentary year is fast approaching. There are only five weeks left before Parliament rises and loose ends are gradually being knitted together.

The main excitement in the NA chamber is the discussion on the nationalisation of banks without compensation. The topic was put forward by ...

About The Week in Parliament

That Week In Parliament

Recent happenings in Parliament