Infographic: Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity

Public hearings were heard on the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill on 13 and 14 September 2017.

The South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC) spoke about the expensive damage that cybercrime causes.

According to SABRIC, cybercrime is a consequence of a lack of cybersecurity and most attacks are still focused ...

Infographic: 2017 Matric Exams

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on 12 September 2017 on its readiness and preparatory plans for the 2017 matric exams. The exams kick off on 16 October and the briefing covered everything from enrolments, question paper development, exam irregularities, school-based assessment and ...

Infographic: Sugar Tax

On Tuesday 6 September 2017, National Treasury told the portfolio committees on finance and health that the proposed tax on sugary beverages was likely to be introduced in April 2018. The tax was first proposed by the then Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan with government suggesting that these drinks be taxed ...

The Week Ahead: It's the end of another term…

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament on 3 October 2017. But a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go.

The committee corridor will be the main source of parliamentary action, where there are ...

Infographic: Poverty trends in SA 2006 - 2015

According to the Statistics South Africa report on poverty trends for 2006 to 2015, the last five years between 2011 and 2015 have been a rough economic rollercoaster for South Africa driven by a combination of low economic growth, high unemployment levels, low commodity prices, higher consumer prices (especially for ...

The Week Ahead: Motion for Parliament to be Dissolved

It’s the penultimate week of the disjointed Third Term and the programme has a familiar pattern: it includes oral questions to the Executive, Members’ statements, committee oversight visits and scrutiny and the processing of assorted Bills, statutory instruments, statutory appointments and committee reports.

There is an unprecedented event/parliamentary rarity on ...

Infographic: Women in Parliament

Prior to the South African democracy, female representation in Parliament sat at just 2.7% and rose to about 28% by the time the Constitution was adopted. By 2009, parliamentary seats occupied by women rose to an all-time high of 43% and currently stands at 41%.

Globally, data by the World ...

The Week Ahead: Questions to the President

The President's oral question session on Thursday is the high point of this parliamentary week. Question Time occurs in both the National Assembly and the NCOP and is one of the ways Parliament scrutinises the work of the Executive. The President is required to answers questions of national or international ...

The Week Ahead: Questions, Legislation & Taking Parliament to the People

There's a broad and busy flavour to this week's parliamentary business in the National Assembly chamber.

The main plenary highlight will be the Deputy President’s regular engagement with lawmakers when he appears to answer oral questions. He will be probed about a mixture of big-picture policy matters and current controversies. ...

Have your say on political party funding!

Political party funding is important in the drive to clean up corruption because we do not want political party capture. Parliament is reviewing this now. Currently, all 13 political parties share R150 million amongst themselves in public funding. If one is realistic, is this too little? How open should private ...

About The Week in Parliament

That Week In Parliament

Recent happenings in Parliament