An Interview with Mbinqo-Gigaba: Public Participation Processes for the BELA Bill

1.Does the Committee intend conducting provincial public hearings on the bill?

It is a Constitutional imperative that Parliament seeks public input when it deals with legislation, whether it is new Bills or amending existing Bills. The committee will therefore follow the example of all committees and conduct public hearings on ...

The Week Ahead: Africa Day & Budget Vote Debates

There's a full and mixed flavour to the coming week's parliamentary business.

The highlights include Africa Day commemoration, budget vote debates, mini-plenary sessions, legislative business, and important Committee hearings.

Both chambers will hold Africa Day debates on Wednesday. In addition, the NCOP has scheduled an Africa Day lecture earlier on ...

Have Your Say on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill

The Week Ahead: Budget Vote Debates - Round 2

It’s the second week of budget vote debates in the National Assembly and the frenetic pace of committee meetings and mini-plenary sessions continue.

The debates are a platform for Ministers to unpack the work of government and to give an account of their spending plans and priorities for the year. ...

Asset Maintenance Management Plans

What Are Asset Maintenance Management Plans?

To combat poor levels of service delivery, maintenance plans were developed to ensure that infrastructure remained efficient and usable. Asset maintenance management plans - also known as immovable asset management plans or infrastructure maintenance plans - are strategic outlines for the repair and maintenance ...

The Week Ahead: Budget Vote Debates Begin

Following the parliamentary committee hearings on the 2022/23 priorities, targets and spending plans of departments, the focus shifts to the budget vote debates which commence this week and run until 10 June 2022.

These debates happen in the mini-plenary sittings of the National Assembly and are headlined by Ministers, their ...

The Week Ahead: Eskom and Freedom Day Debates

Following last week’s pared-down programme, things return to normal with a full agenda in the main chambers and committee corridor.

Everything from oral questions to the Executive, debates, legislative business, committee oversight, and a Conference is scheduled.

The National Assembly will hold a debate – on Tuesday - to celebrate ...

Understanding the 2022 Climate Change Bill

The Week Ahead: The Second Term Begins

The virtual/hybrid Parliament will continue for another term, with some MPs working from the precinct and others remotely.

According to the latest timetable, the NA programme will run for 9 weeks and the NCOP for 10 weeks.

Some of the highlights include committee, oversight, and legislative work; oral questions to ...

Analysing The 2021 Register of MP's Interests

What is the 2021 Register of Members' Interests?

In terms of the Code of Ethical Conduct and Disclosure of Financial Interests, Members of Parliament must disclose their financial interests annually. The following kinds of financial interests must be disclosed:

  • Shares and other financial interests in companies and other corporate entities; ...

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The Week Ahead: It's a wrap for the Sixth Parliament

The Week Ahead: Second Term Resumes

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