Hands off our internet

By: Rofhiwa Maneta

Recently, the Film and Publications Board successfully submitted their draft Online Regulation Policy for consideration by Parliament. The proposed policy aims to regulate content published on the internet to make sure it does not contain hate speech or child pornography. Content uploaded on the net would have ...

The Week Ahead: Debates, heated exchanges and extensive legislative work

After a low key week, the main chambers have scheduled a broad and busy programme, which includes a motion to impeach the President, oral questions to the Deputy President and Economic Cluster; ministerial and members’ statements, policy discussions and debates, and the processing of assorted bills and statutory instruments.

In ...

Infographic: Regulation of the engineering industry and foreign engineers in SA

On Tuesday, 25 August 2015, The Department of Home Affairs and the Engineering Council of South Africa briefed the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs on the gazetted "Critical Skills List" and the regulatory functions of the ECSA, especially as it related to the recruitment of foreign engineers to work in ...

Parliament discusses teenage pregnancy and education

By Rofhiwa Maneta

This week marked the midpoint of parliament’s third term. On Wednesday, parliament was host to a number of sittings directly related to young people. The NYDA presented its performance for the first quarter of the financial year to the Portfolio Committee of Monitoring and Evaluation. Similarly, ministers ...

The Week Ahead: Curtailed programme but still serious work scheduled

There's little action on display in the main chambers and committee corridor this week.

The programme has been curtailed in order to give committees time to finalise critical legislation and other work. In addition, the revised schedule has made provision for committee chairpersons to receive media communications training. This is ...

Infographic: Number of Arrests made so far under Operation Fiela

On Wednesday, 19 August 2015, SAPS briefed the Portfolio Committee on Police on progress made with Operation Fiela to date. The programme has come under fire recently with media saying that Operation Fiela, which is supposed to combat crime, seems to be targeted at foreign nationals. SAPS’ presentation showed that ...

The Week Ahead: Oversight visits & committee business dominate the week

This week marks the mid-way point of the third term and the programme has a familiar pattern: lots of unglamorous legislating, oversight and scrutinising, with some set piece battles in prospect.

Fireworks are expected during the debate on the parliamentary ad hoc committee report on the Nkandla upgrades. MPs visited ...

Infographic: Women & Persons with Disabilities employment targets

On Wednesday, 12 August 2015, the Department of Public Service and Administration told MPs that departments did not meet the target for employing 50% of women and 2% of persons with disabilities in the public service sector. According to the Department’s records, employment of women at Senior Management Service level ...

Five female MPs on their passion for politics

By Sheilan Clarke

Statistics show that 35.2% of South African cabinet ministers are women while 41.5% are parliamentarians. This means that of the 54 cabinet ministers, only 19 of them are women and out of a total of 400 parliamentarians, 166 are women. This is according to a United Nations ...

The Week Ahead: Executive scrutiny & legislative action

There's both high policy and low politics on display in the main chambers this week. The National Assembly offers a blend of members' statements, a discussion of national importance, legislative business and oral questions to the Deputy President and Peace and Security Cluster. The programme is a bit more pedestrian ...

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The Week Ahead: It's a wrap for the Sixth Parliament

The Week Ahead: Second Term Resumes