Infographic: School safety, violence and bullying

On Tuesday, 4 August 2015, the Department of Basic Education briefed the Basic Education Portfolio Committee on violence plaguing schools in South Africa. The Department blamed the legacy of apartheid, as well as current socio-economic realities such as extreme inequality for the high prevalence of violence in schools. A closer ...

The Week Ahead: Spotlight on President, rules and Nkandla Committee

After a low key week, the National Assembly chamber has shifted gears and arranged a busy programme, which includes ministerial statements, policy debates, oral questions and the processing of assorted bills and statutory instruments. It’s rather quieter in the NCOP chamber, where internal work dominates and any kind of contested ...

Infographic: Youth development and the National Development Plan

On Wednesday, 29 July 2015, Parliament held a Round Table for young parliamentarians from all legislatures in the country to debate the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP), specifically focusing on challenges facing the youth. The idea is to ensure that policies are developed to realise the objectives of ...

The Week Ahead: More wrangling expected in Parliament

There is some very significant Committee action this week that will keep the legislature firmly in the spotlight. Regrettably, this means there will also be plenty of opportunity for posturing and point scoring as political parties try to attract publicity and out manoeuvre each other.

The parliamentary ad hoc committee ...

Infographic: The state of employment equity in SA 2014/15

South Africa recently saw the release of the Commission for Employment Equity Report for 2014/15. Yesterday, Director-General for the Department of Labour stated, at a press meeting, that SA is not at the level it should be with women and persons with disabilities continuing to struggle in the workforce. ...

Bill, Bills, Bills

By Sheilan Clarke

In the second term of Parliament, three bills were passed, eight were introduced and 22 are still in the deliberation process. Check out this list of bills that you should familiarise yourself with:

National Liquor Policy

  • Status: Up for public comment

Basically, government wants the legal drinking ...

The Week Ahead: Parliament's third term kicks off

Parliament resumes this week after a three-week constituency period. The third term will run for ten weeks and the programme is packed with activities. Some of the highlights include committee, oversight and legislative work; oral questions to the President and the Executive; and the NCOP’s Provincial and Local Government Weeks. ...

Infographic: Rules to stop disruptions during Parliament proceedings

On 23 June 2015, Parliament's National Assembly Rules Committee met to discuss the frequent disruptions of the House sittings. A lengthy discussion was held and members of the committee considered draft rules and standard operating procedures presented by the Subcommittee on the Review of the NA Rules. With the exception ...

Metrorail eating away at our wallets

BY Sheilan Clarke

Metrorail (or Metrofail as commonly known among its commuters) has once again increased their tariffs despite late trains, broken seats, unnecessarily stopping in the middle of nowhere among other technical issues.

Lennit Max, Standing Committee chairman on Transport and Public Works recently said he wanted Metrorail to ...

Infographic: The Fifth Parliament 2015 - Second Term Review

With the second term of Parliament done and dusted, the People’s Assembly takes a look at some of the Legislature’s activities from this period. The review provides a snapshot of the number of working days, bills processed, and questions asked.

Parliament, Second term review

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The Week Ahead: It's a wrap for the Sixth Parliament

The Week Ahead: Second Term Resumes