Infographic: Parliament's Strategic Plan 2014-2019

Parliament's Strategic Plan is a clearly defined 5-year plan focusing on issues that are strategically important to the institution. It consists of goals and objectives it would like to achieve. The strategic plan is reviewed annually or when required.

The infographic below details Parliament's goals and objectives for the years ...

LiveMagSA: What is government doing about corruption?

By Rofhiwa Maneta

Corruption. From the controversy surrounding the expenses to his homestead in Nkandla to his alleged involvement in the arms deal, no one word has followed Jacob Zuma around since he began his first term as president in 2009 more than the inglorious c-word . With concern about ...

Infographic: Rhino Poaching Update – 2015

158 rhinos were poached in January and February 2015 according to the Department of Environmental Affairs. The Department briefed the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs recently, telling MPs that 108 of the 158 poached rhinos were from the Kruger National Park. Rhino poaching has increased drastically in the last ten ...

The Week Ahead: President Zuma set to answer oral questions

President Zuma will grab the limelight this week when he answers oral questions in the National Assembly.

His previous question session last August was cut short when EFF Members interrupted proceedings and chanted “pay back the money”. That led to the suspension and fines imposed on 20 EFF MPs, which ...

LiveMagSA: The public weighs in on “adolescent sex” bill

By Rofhiwa Maneta

This week, the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services invited the public to weigh in on the proposed amendments to the Sexual Offences and Related Matters Act. One of the Act’s biggest points of contention has been the proposed amendment to decriminalise consensual sex between adolescents ...

Infographic: 2014 National Senior Certificate Results

This week, the Department of Basic Education gave Parliament a detailed breakdown of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination results for 2014. The 2014 result have been marred by a 2.4% drop in the pass rate from 2013 to 75.8%, but more so because of the irregularities of the matric ...

Infographic: An MP's guide to organising a constituency office

There are about 350 Constituency Offices around the country where members of the public can approach elected representatives (Members of Parliament) and ask for help.The parliamentary programme assigns every Monday during session and several weeks during the year for MPs to concentrate on constituency work. During constituency periods MPs and ...

The Week Ahead: Questions, Debates & Legislating

The National Assembly (NA) chamber has scheduled a broad and busy programme this week, which includes a motion of no confidence vote in the President, oral questions to the Deputy President and Peace and Security Cluster as well as a debate to mark International Women’s Day.

The motion was tabled ...

LiveMagSA: How the budget speech tackles youth issues

By Rofhiwa Maneta

On Tuesday, the Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene delivered his maiden budget speech to the National Assembly. It was a speech that announced the first income tax increase in 20 years, an increase in sin tax and an increased fuel levy that is set to trigger an ...

Live From Parliament: Deputy Minister Mzwandile Masina talks about being an MP

Live Magazine SA recently sat down with Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, and ANCYL National Convener Mzwandile Masina to discuss his parliamentary work. Find out what the ANC MP had to say about his first six months as an MP, and what young people can look forward to in ...

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The Week Ahead: It's a wrap for the Sixth Parliament

The Week Ahead: Second Term Resumes