The Week ahead: Legislation & budget debates dominate

This is a week for detailed law-making, with issues ranging from maintenance, to freedom of expression, to land expropriation, to trade union accountability and decriminalising consensual sex between children of certain ages.

Beyond this, the legislature’s budget vote season doesn’t show any sign of slowing down as most days are ...

Infographic: Breakdown of debt owed by and to municipalities

This week the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Portfolio Committee tackled the contentious issue of municipal debt owed to Eskom and water boards. National Treasury was present on Tuesday, 12 May 2015, to defend its decision to withhold Equitable Share (ES) from municipalities that have not prioritised paying their ...

LiveMagSA: Parliament needs to hear your voice

By Rofhiwa Maneta

Let’s have a frank conversation. How often do you keep up with parliament? Outside of the occasional parliamentary scuffle or the President’s annual State of the Nation Address (SONA), do you know what goes on inside the chambers of South Africa’s biggest law-making body? You should. Sure, ...

The Week Ahead: Packed plenary programme and committee corridor

Parliament has scheduled a broad and busy programme in the main chambers as well as in the committee corridor.

The President’s oral question session in the NCOP (on Thursday) is the main plenary event. His responses to questions on the recent xenophobic attacks and the Report on Farlam Commission of ...

LiveMagSA: How a bill becomes a law

By Sheilan Clarke

Let’s be honest; making sense of laws, legislation and bills all sound daunting. But we still have a responsibility to know what they mean and the level of impact they have on our lives. But don’t worry, we’re here to show you how bills eventually become laws ...

Infographic: South Africa – Migration and the effect on urbanisation

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015, the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS) briefed the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee on migration trends and their implications. According to ACMS, most migration is domestic – province to province – while roughly 4.4% of the South African population were born outside of the ...

The Week Ahead: Budget vote debate season begins

Since early March, portfolio committees have been meeting with departments and entities to process their budget votes and prepare reports.

The focus now shifts to the budget vote debates that commence tomorrow and run until the end of the month. These debates will happen in the Extended Public Committees (EPCs), ...

Infographic: Recent xenophobic attacks - The stats

With the recent spate of violent xenophobic attacks, a National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) was activated to address and control the situation. On Tuesday, 28 April 2015, NATJOINTS briefed the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee on recent developments regarding attacks against foreign nationals, the root causes behind the violence, ...

Infographic: The Smart ID roll out process

Last week the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs received a briefing on progress made with the smart ID card roll out. The Department of Home Affairs teamed up with the banking sector to implement the roll out of the new Smart ID cards. The process will see customers from FNB ...

The Week Ahead: Curtailed Programme

Just like the rest of the country, Parliament vibrates with concern about the recent spate of xenophopic attacks . As part of countrywide efforts to counter these incidents, the legislature has suspended its plenary sittings for this week to allow MPs to go to their constituencies and mobilise their communities ...

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The Week Ahead: It's a wrap for the Sixth Parliament

The Week Ahead: Second Term Resumes