Leading in Darkness

Author: Ansha Krishnan

“Ubuntu is the essence of being a person, of being human and when we praise somebody, the highest form of praise is saying, ‘Ubuntu’. This person in a sense has got humanness. We are often devastated by the amount of evil that there is in the world ...

Infographic: Violence against children - Parliament hears disturbing statistics

On Wednesday, the Portfolio Committee on Social Development received a briefing by the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) on a few alarming statistics regarding violence against children. Violence against children covers child murders/homicides, sexual exploitation and trafficking, harmful traditional and cultural practices, child labour and bullying.

SAMRC told the ...

The Week Ahead: NCOP focuses on service delivery

Parliament’s National Council of Provinces (NCOP) will host the Provincial Week in all nine provinces from 8 to12 September 2014. The Provincial Week theme is: ‘Together making service delivery work for our people’. The permanent delegates to the NCOP will use this opportunity to:

  • Interact with members of the ...

Infographic: The effects of climate change on our water reserves

The provision of water to poor communities is one of government’s key basic service delivery requirements. Currently, there are still communities without this basic need. According to both the Department of Water and Sanitation and the Department of Water Affairs, the number of communities without access to water is projected ...

Infographic: Local government audit results show little improvement

On Tuesday in Parliament, the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) briefed the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Portfolio Committee on local government audit outcomes for the 2012/13 financial year.

The audit results left Members feeling dissatisfied – while Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal performed well, the rest of the municipalities ...

Parliament hears update on SAFA match-fixing scandal

Minister for Sport and Recreation, Fikile Mbalula, briefed Parliament today on his department’s efforts in resolving the controversial match-fixing scandal involving SAFA officials. The scandal, which involved five friendly games before the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, is under investigation by soccer’s world governing body, FIFA, after it came ...

Infographic: Evaluating the impact of firearm regulation on gun-homicides

The Portfolio Committee on Police recently heard a presentation by the Central Firearms Registry (CFR), where they briefed the department on measures taken to curb gun-homicides and gun-violence in general. The CFR is a subsidiary body of the South African Police Service (SAPS) who are tasked with regulating the country’s ...

The Week ahead – Environmental Issues come to the fore

With the sharp rise in the number of rhinos being poached and killed in the past few years, South Africans will be pleased that Parliament is doing its part to address the situation. The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs has organised public hearings in three provinces (the KZN hearings were ...

Is government meeting the energy needs of rural households?

Access to electricity is a basic need that cannot be unmet by service delivery inefficiencies. Fortunately, as the Department of Energy (DoE) states, 82% of households are connected to the energy grid, which is largely powered by Eskom. Despite the load-shedding problems associated with the giant electricity provider, government has ...

Parliament and use of the sub judice rule: Justified or not?

On Tuesday, opposition party Members of the Communications Portfolio Committee expressed frustration with Communications Minister, Faith Muthambi, who was responding on behalf of the Department of Communications to the Public Protector’s report on the South African Broadcasting Corporation. DA and EFF Members accused the Minister of using the sub judice ...

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The Week Ahead: It's a wrap for the Sixth Parliament

The Week Ahead: Second Term Resumes