Infographic: Jobs Fund Performance

On Tuesday, 22 September 2015, National Treasury with the Deputy Minister of Finance, gave an overview and a status report on the Jobs Fund to the Standing Committee on Appropriations. South Africa's unemployment challenge needs high levels of economic growth which require long term structural change to the economy. The Jobs Fund is not intended to tackle these challenges, but is rather a limited and targeted intervention to create jobs in the short to medium term.

The mandate of the Jobs Fund is to create 150 000 new jobs, to learn from the innovative models it creates which could contribute to policy making and to contribute to poverty reduction. The Fund was established in June 2011 with a R9 billion allocation and operates on a “challenge fund” basis, where the allocation of grant funding is open, competitive and transparent. Partners share risk by contributing matching funds. The main focus of the Jobs Fund is on youth and women employment. There had been five funding rounds and the target sectors of the Jobs Fund are agriculture, construction, the green economy, manufacturing, mining and tourism. The Fund has defined a permanent job as a job that is “held for a minimum of 12 consecutive months”.

To date the Jobs Fund has 108 projects approved of which 86 have been contracted, two projects have been withdrawn, seven have been terminated and seven projects have been completed. As at June 2015, R4.74 billion in funds has been committed and R3.54 billion has been leveraged from Jobs Fund partners. See full report of the meeting.

See infographic below for more results on the Jobs Fund and its beneficiaries:

third term review

jobs fund

For infographic on quarterly report on unemployment in general, go here

For infographics on a range of topics,see here.


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