LiveMagSA: Racism in Cape Town - How will Parliament address this in 2015?


Following its success in Johannesburg, the VIP Debate Club will be in Cape Town for the first time. Cape Town peeps join us for our Live VIP Debate Club on Tuesday 10 February at the EL Greeyo Coffee Shop, Brickfield Park, Salt River, Cape Town.

The VIP Debate Club is a regular open event at which young people are invited to discuss and debate some of the most pertinent youth-specific political topics of the day in a relaxed space over a drink. Facilitated by young social commentators and influencers, the club is a great place to join like-minded people for a healthy debate.

Rofhiwa Maneta, one of the young journalists reporting Live from Parliament and the debate facilitator, gives a glimpse on what he expects and to learn from the debate: “Despite regularly being celebrated as a ‘rainbow nation’, no one can deny that South Africa is fraught with racial tension. In no province is this more evident than Cape Town – especially in the last three months with the recent spate of racist incidents. I’m hoping this debate can foster healthy conversation around the topic and hopefully influence parliament and government’s efforts to curb racism – not just in Cape Town – but the entire country.”

A panel of commentators will add their views.

NEW PANELIST Martina Dahlmanns will join the panel. Martina recently blew the whistle on racism encountered by her friend Tumi Mpofu, who recently tried to go to dinner at a restaurant at the Twelve Apostles hotel in Cape Town. Read the City Press story. As a blogger/writer, Martina uses her voice to relate her individual journey within our dialogue group, which recently made the headlines of some of Cape Town’s leading publications when one of my blogs about a racist experience went viral on Twitter. It is important to her to that she uses her voice not to talk FOR but together WITH her black friends and fellow dialoguers in order to expose racism and co-create changes in our society that we want to see for our children. @race_dialogue

Thoko Madonko is a Co-Director of the Alternative Information Development Center (AIDC) based in Cape Town. She has an extensive international experience in facilitating workshops and learning events for a wide and diverse range of participants including civil society, policy makers, international donor agencies and government officials and parliamentarians. Follow her on twitter: @ThokoMadonko.

Zizipho Pae is the SRC Vice president of external affairs at University of Cape Town (UCT). She is the former Candidate Fellow at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation which was established with the purpose of promoting entrepreneurship and thereby prosperity in an integrated South Africa. Follow her on twitter: @ZeezPi

Join the debate!

Date: Tuesday 10 February 2015 Time: 12:30 pm to 2 pm Venue: EL Greeyo Coffee Shop, shop 9, Brickfield Park, Salt River, Cape Town. Register: It’s free to attend, however, you will need to complete the form on Live Magazine's website.

Live From Parliament Live from Parliament casts a youth lens on parliament and government, covering committees, policy-making, MPs and the sitting of actual Parliament. Our team of youth journalists will be reporting Live from Parliament every week in partnership with the People’s Assembly and Indigo Trust. The People’s Assembly connects people and their elected representatives. To stay in touch with your local MP, visit, follow them on Twitter @PeoplesAssem_SA or Facebook/PeoplesAssemblySA.


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