LiveMagSA launches "Live from Parliament"

By young people, for young people.

Welcome to Parliament

By Rofhiwa Maneta

What, if anything, do you think of parliament? I’ll be the first to admit, I didn’t exactly hold the place in high regard. Aside from the occasional outburst from opposition parties, the place didn’t do much to hold my attention. It looks like a place stuck in time. There’s something uninviting about the architecture and the bronze statue of Louis Botha (an army general during the Second Boer War), in front of one of the gates, riding triumphantly into the sunset. But away from the gibberish associated with parliamentary meetings and the dodgy architectural choices, parliament is actually the heartbeat of our country’s legal and democratic affairs. Think about it: It’s where legislation is drafted; controversial bills (like the “Secrecy Bill”) are birthed; and, most importantly, where government is required by law to account for their actions. Basically, parliament is a big deal... Read more.


Live from Parliament casts a youth lens on Parliament and government, covering committees, policy-making, MPs, and the sitting of actual Parliament. Live SA's team of youth journalists will be reporting Live from Parliament every week in partnership with us and Indigo Trust. For more Live from Parliament, visit, follow them on Twitter @LiveMagSA #livevipza and Facebook/LiveMagSA.


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