LiveMagSA: Things we hope SONA addresses - Youth unemployment

By Rofhiwa Maneta

The opening of parliament is just under a week away and most of the country is waiting for the State of the Nation Address with baited breath. We hit the streets to find out what you want the president to talk about and how you want him to talk about it. This is the first video in our “Thing we hope the S.O.N.A addresses” series and today we’re talking youth unemployment. Check it out:

Live from Parliament casts a youth lens on Parliament and government, covering committees, policy-making, MPs, and the sitting of actual Parliament. Live SA's team of youth journalists will be reporting Live from Parliament every week in partnership with us and Indigo Trust. For more Live from Parliament, visit, follow them on Twitter @LiveMagSA #livevipza and Facebook/LiveMagSA.


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