Infographic: Service Delivery Protests

The Civic Protest Barometer (CPB), published by the Dullah Omar Institute on 24 November 2016, measures trends in protest action in South Africa's municipalities. The 2016 CPB tracks trends in the number of protests, the geographical spread of protests, trends in violent civic protest and grievances behind protest action. It ...

Seminar: Is the Rainbow Nation at a turning point?


What do rising levels of protest and a depreciating economic and political climate mean for South Africa’s future? Is the Rainbow Nation at a turning point?

rainbowThis seminar will present the ISS’ latest futures analysis on economics, politics and instability in South Africa up to 2024. Three new papers setting ...

What rising protests in SA say about attitudes towards local government


THE euphoria of SA’s 2016 municipal elections is at its peak, with political parties parading their manifestos, all in competition for a stake in the local sphere of government.

The razzmatazz is deafening. But, it blurs a vexing question: what does governing in the post-apartheid state, ...

Infographic: SAPS Hotspots Interventions

The South African Police Service (SAPS) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Police on current interventions made in ‘hotspots’ around the country. SAPS adopted an integrated policing approach to manage public protests that led to civil unrest. Operations are initiated on the basis of National Threat Assessments conducted by intelligence structures. ...

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