Infographic: Bucket Eradication - December 2015 deadline

On Wednesday 28 October 2015, the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) presented a progress report on the December 2015 deadline in terms of the Bucket Eradication Programme in formal areas. The Stats SA Community Survey was used as a baseline to determine the bucket toilet backlog in the country. ...

Inside SA’s cyber-insecurity problem

By Jane Duncan

A new Bill threatens our digital rights and raises the spectre of internet censorship.

South Africa has one of the highest rates of cybercrime in the world. So it is hardly surprising that more people are looking to the government to step in and do something about ...

The Week Ahead: Higher Education, Questions & Legislation dominate the programme

After a low key week, the main chambers have scheduled a broad and busy programme, which includes oral questions to the executive; ministerial and members’ statements, policy debates, and the processing of assorted bills, statutory instruments and committee reports.

In the National Assembly, the main plenary event will be the ...

Infographic: Departmental audit outcomes: 2013/14 - 2014/15

Departments and their entities are subject to annual auditing by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA), where an audit opinion is given based on a department's financial statements. In forming an audit opinion, AGSA determines the financial health of departments and if its performance met its predetermined objectives and if ...

Mr Jackson Mthembu - ANC


Political background: I’ve always been an activist and was involved in school and civic politics, including getting expelled from the University of Fort Hare. I was also very much involved in the unions – I was a founding member of what is now known as the National Union of Metal ...

VIP: Audience with the Department of Higher Education and Training


After a successful trip to the Eastern Cape, VIP is hosting another VIP Debate Club, this time around we’re inviting members of parliament, party representatives and leading political figures to have open and robust conversations with you, yes you! Make your voice heard because it matters.

This is your opportunity ...

Infographic: Jobs Fund Performance

On Tuesday, 22 September 2015, National Treasury with the Deputy Minister of Finance, gave an overview and a status report on the Jobs Fund to the Standing Committee on Appropriations. South Africa's unemployment challenge needs high levels of economic growth which require long term structural change to the economy. The ...

Broadband connections for schools

Oversight is a function granted by the Constitution to Parliament to oversee effective management of government action. How it is done in practice is that a parliamentary committee is assigned one department to oversee and often, to get to the nitty gritty, the committee will go on an oversight visit ...

Infographic: Food Security

The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry And Fisheries hosted a two-day workshop on Food Security and Safety with the Portfolio Committees of Health and Social Development and the Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources. The committees engaged with food security and safety experts to examine what structures are in ...

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