First Term Review: Sixth Parliament

Parliament’s first term ended last week. According to the programme, the term was 11 weeks but the main thrust of the work was compressed into the final 5 weeks of the quarter.

A lot was done in this first term: new parliamentary leadership was elected, the second State of the ...

Remembering Nelson Mandela

Today we commemorate our former President Nelson Mandela who served his term from 1994 to 1999. As we ponder on the past two weeks budget vote speeches delivered by the Ministers and their Deputies, what better way to assess our journey as a country than to recall where we come ...

6th Parliament: Turnover, Youth & Gender

Becoming an MP can be a complex and difficult journey. In many respects, the job is viewed as one which requires experience and therefore suited to older people. Meanwhile, women face all sorts of hurdles when running for elected office. This includes discrimination, patriarchy, violence and the ever present glass ...

New Ramaphosa Cabinet: 2019

The President has announced his Executive which will serve the country’s Sixth Administration. Let’s take a look at some of the changes made.

The Cabinet is made up of the President, Deputy President and Ministers. The Deputy President is Mr David Mabuza. As per his 2018 State of the Nation ...

Provincial Legislatures, Speakers & Premiers

Last week, Wednesday 22 May 2019, Members of the Provincial Legislatures (MPLs) were sworn in. Presided over by the Judge Presidents for each province, the nine provincial legislatures also elected the Premiers of the province and Speakers and Deputy Speakers of the legislatures. The Premiers were inaugurated on 27 May ...

Elections 2019

The hour is almost upon us – the day when South Africans embark on go to the polling stations to exercise arguably the most fundamental democratic right, that of voting. There are however many who are not entirely knowledgeable of the electoral system employed in SA – we thought it ...

Provincial Budgets: 2019

SA's national budget was tabled in Parliament on 20 February 2019 - what follows this process is the tabling of provincial budgets in each of the nine provincial legislatures. Provincial budgets are as important as the national one - the budget sets out how the provinces intend spending public funds ...

2019: State of the Province Address (SOPA)

The State of the Province Address is a localised version of the State of the Nation Address where Premiers reflect on their achievements and communicate their programmes of action in respect of government’s five priority areas - education, health, the fight against crime and corruption, rural development and land reform ...

Important dates on the parliamentary calendar so far

The first term of Parliament and the last term of the Fifth Parliament (7 February to 29 March 2019) will see the first major event of the year, the State of the Nation Address (SONA) delivered by President Ramaphosa on 7 February 2019. The President will deliver the speech (his ...

Infographic: Parliament 2018 - review in numbers

The conclusion of the parliamentary calendar year sees the Fifth Parliament shut its doors for 2018 after what has surely been one of the most tumultuous political years. People's Assembly takes a look at what happened behind the scenes in the halls of the Legislature with this snapshot of the ...

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