Committees: Who put in the work in 2018?

Committee proceedings, often referred to as the 'engine room of Parliament, is where MPs deliberate on bills, and scrutinise and report on the annual budget and strategic plans of the departments and entities they oversee. This is where it is determined whether government departments are delivering on what they promised ...

Parliament 2018: Third term review

This review of the third term takes a quick look at the number of working days, Bills processed, written questions posed by MPs and replies by the Executive and the petitions under consideration.

It has been a relatively short term (just about four weeks) and Parliament will resume on 9 ...

Zero-VAT Results

After VAT increased to 15%, concern about the impact on poor households led the Minister of Finance to appoint a panel of experts to evaluate the current list of zero-VAT items and consider including extra items to lessen the impact of the VAT increase on the poor.

The recently released ...

Ministerial Attendance in Parliament: Is Ramaphosa’s Cabinet doing better?

National Assembly Speaker, Baleka Mbete, earlier this year indicated that she had written to newly appointed Deputy President, David Mabuza, to ‘complain about the absence of ministers during question time in the National Assembly’. In response, the Deputy President, in April 2018, announced measures to deal with non-attendance including an ...

Parliament 2018: Second Term Review

This review of the second term takes a quick look at the number of working days, Bills processed, written questions posed by MPs and replies by the Executive and the petitions under consideration.

It has been a busy term with 435 committee meetings compared to 331 in the first term ...

Why Parliaments Matter

30 June 2018 marks #WorldParliamentDay. All over the world, parliaments exist to represent the people to ensure government by the people– this is said it to be the most profoundly important role parliament plays as an institution. Parliament represents the people by articulating the views of citizens in decision-making processes. ...

SAA bail-out: Result

Parliament’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) was told on 24 April that SAA needs another R4.8 billion immediately. This is after National Treasury gave a R10 billion bail-out to South African Airways in December 2017 so that it could be deemed a going concern on 31 March 2017 by ...

Infographic: 2017 Health Outcomes

The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Health on the performance outcomes of the Department of Health against the objectives of the 2030 National Development Plan on 17 April 2018. According to DPME, empirical evidence suggests that on the whole, the health status of ...

Infographic: Parliament 2018 - first term review

With the first parliamentary term wrapped up, we take a look at legislative activity from this period. This quarterly review takes a quick look at the number of working days, Bills processed, written questions posed by Members and replied to by the Executive and petitions considered by Committees from 23 ...

Infographic: SAPS - Allocation of Resources

In a briefing to the Police Portfolio Committee last week, the Social Justice Coalition (SJC) highlighted that almost without exception, relatively rich, predominantly white areas with very low contact crime rates, had far more police officers for every 100 000 people than poor, predominantly black areas with high contact crime ...

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