Infographic: 2016/17 National Crime Statistics

On Tuesday 24 March 2017 the South African Police Service (SAPS) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Police on the 2016/17 National Crime Statistics covering March 2016 to April 2017.

Contact crimes refer to those "crimes where victims themselves are the targets of violence or property is targeted and the victims ...

Infographic: 2016/17 Departmental audit outcomes

National departments are subject to annual auditing by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA), where an audit opinion is given based on a department's financial statements. In forming an audit opinion, the AGSA examines if a department meets its predetermined objectives and if its financial statements comply with legislation.

Interesting ...

Parliament 2017: Third Term Review

This review of the third term takes a quick look at the number of working days, Bills processed, written questions posed by MPs and replies by the Executive and the petitions under consideration.

The term started with a bang when the motion of no confidence tabled against the President was ...

Infographic: Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity

Public hearings were heard on the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill on 13 and 14 September 2017.

The South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC) spoke about the expensive damage that cybercrime causes.

According to SABRIC, cybercrime is a consequence of a lack of cybersecurity and most attacks are still focused ...

Infographic: 2017 Matric Exams

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on 12 September 2017 on its readiness and preparatory plans for the 2017 matric exams. The exams kick off on 16 October and the briefing covered everything from enrolments, question paper development, exam irregularities, school-based assessment and ...

Infographic: Sugar Tax

On Tuesday 6 September 2017, National Treasury told the portfolio committees on finance and health that the proposed tax on sugary beverages was likely to be introduced in April 2018. The tax was first proposed by the then Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan with government suggesting that these drinks be taxed ...

Infographic: Poverty trends in SA 2006 - 2015

According to the Statistics South Africa report on poverty trends for 2006 to 2015, the last five years between 2011 and 2015 have been a rough economic rollercoaster for South Africa driven by a combination of low economic growth, high unemployment levels, low commodity prices, higher consumer prices (especially for ...

Infographic: Women in Parliament

Prior to the South African democracy, female representation in Parliament sat at just 2.7% and rose to about 28% by the time the Constitution was adopted. By 2009, parliamentary seats occupied by women rose to an all-time high of 43% and currently stands at 41%.

Globally, data by the World ...

Infographic: Motions of no confidence - The Zuma years

Section 102: Motion of No Confidence needs a 51% vote, i.e. for the Motion to carry, it needs at least 201 MPs to vote in favour. President Zuma, before the 8th August vote, has survived five prior motions tabled against him - three have been voted on, one has been ...

Hard to believe...but Ministers are showing up in Parliament

In Parliament’s Committees, MPs can scrutinise and probe the performance of Ministers and the executive has to justify their decisions and performance.

Committees can only perform their work optimally if there is a willingness by Ministers and their deputies to attend proceedings and be held accountable.

The ministerial attendance tool ...

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